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-9:00 am-

Millie came back, and with her coming into the room was Mike, Kathy and Amy. Lisa waiter with the girls. I did send a text to Nick to tell him I'll be bringing Avery home a little bit later.

"Hey Kelsie." Mike said and Kelsie smiled.

"Hi uncle Mike." She said and Mike went crazy.

"You called me uncle Mike! Oh my gosh! I got my babygirl back!" Mike said happily and kissed her forehead.

I smiled as everyone came in and out of the room to visit Kelsie, I'm just glad I got my girl back.

—2:00 pm—

Kelsies doctor gave her the okay to leave, finally my family is back together, well I mean, Archer is still getting better but besides that, I have my wonderful wife, Nick is back in my life, with his sister Avery.

-4:00 pm-

Avery went home and Dani, Lauren and Archer are in Lauren's room watching a movie with Christian. Katherine is over her boyfriends house, Mike is working on things with Sage, Lisa and Amy we're in the basement working on music. Allison is down for a nap. Millie was at the store getting dinner. It was just me and Kelsie.

Kelsie was laying on the couch. I finished the dishes and I walked into our living room and she was watching Good Luck Charlie.

"I love this show! Can I watch?" I asked. She slid over and I layed down. She layed on my lap and her head lying on my shoulder.

"I love you Kels." I said.

"I love you mommy." She said and we just layed there.

"I love you more." I whispered as she fell asleep.

-6:00 pm-

Millie was preparing dinner.

"Dinner!" Millie called and everyone came tumbling into the kitchen. I walked upstairs and got Allison and came downstairs.

"Would anyone like to say grace." I asked.
Kelsie raised her hand.

"Okay Kelsie, go ahead." I said.

"Dear Heavenly Father, we gather here today to have this food blessed by you. Lord I want to thank you, I list of the names of the people who took me in and loved me for ever, Momma, Momma Millie, Uncle Mike, Aunt Kathy, Aunt Amy, Aunty Lisa, Lauren, Dani, Archer, Allison, and Sage. Oh and Uncle Nick and Avery. In the Lords name we pray," she paused.

"In the name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirt, Amen." We all ended.
As I held Allison, I kissed Kelsie on the forehead and we began to eat.

"So guys, we've been together almost a full year now, and Millie and I wanted to take you all on a vacation! We're going to go to Myrtle Beach,South Carolina, so we will be driving, it's only a 10 hour drive." I said and every looked shocked.

"Nick, Avery, and Christian will be joining us aswell!" Millie said.

"Okay so for room situation, I will be with Millie,Allison and Kelsie. Katherine will be with Amy, Lisa. Lauren with be with Archer, Dani and Avery, and Mike will be with Nick, Sage and Christian." I said and everyone nodded.

"Okay guys, go pack, we need to leave at 8 am tomorrow." Millie said and everyone rushed away.

I carried Allison and held Kelsies hand as we went to Katherines room. (A/N Lauren, Dani and Archer share a room, Lisa, Amy share a room. Katherine, Allison and Kelsie share a room, but Allison also sleeps with Christina and Millie, and Mike and Sage have a "man cave")

"Hey Christina, Allie and Kelsie." Kath said.

"Hi." Kelsie waved.

"Hi Allison." Kath said and Allison his behind me.

"It's okay Al it's only auntie Kath." I said and she perked up and hugged her.

"I'm going to pack the girls things." I said.

"Christina, we share a room I can just do it for them, just do all there meds and stuff." Kath said.

"Thanks Kathy, you're the best." I told her.

"Anything for my nieces." She smiled.

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