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4 months ahead [March 2015]

It's been 4 months since everything happened, the kids are still with us, Joseph and his wife never came back, so the kids are now mine. Archer got her feeding tube removed and she eats regularly. The time is now 4 am and I'm awake downstairs.

Sage just woke up and came downstairs.

"Hey Sagey, why are you up?"  I asked.

"I can't sweep," he said.

"Why can you sleep Bubz?" I asked.

"I wanna know why Mommy and Daddy never came back?" He said as he wiped his tears.

"I don't know bubby, but I need to tell you this, Archer, is your sister. Like your blood sister, I'm sorry I waited so long to tell you." I said. He then hugged me really tight.

"It okay Cici." He smiled.

"You called me Cici." I said:

"Because you are my Cici." He teared and he wiped my tear.

"I love you my boy." I cried.

"I love you too Cici." He cried and fell asleep and so did I.

~7:00 am// March 31, 2015

Today we're going dress shopping, my sisters are going to be my bridesmaid and also Kelsie, I made Archer my Made of honor. Allie is my flower girl and Sage is my ring bearer. Mike is my best man. I honestly can't wait to commit my life to the love of my life.

"Okay, so we're going to take the big van, I'm passing around my phone to show you how seating will work." I said as I passed my phone.

They all okayed

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They all okayed.

10:00 am

We we're almost at the shop, we just needed to park.

"Okay, when the older kids get out the little one must find there older pair, Mike and Sage, Me and Allie, Kath and Archer, Amy and Kelsie. Lauren and Dani you have eachother. So come on let's go in." I said as we all got out of the van an walked into the bridal shop.

12:00 pm

We finished shopping Millie and I both found our wedding dresses, but we decided not to show eachother. Are wedding is July 6th,  2015, just a couple days after Kelsie turns 8.

*** 1:00pm

We arrived home and all the kids were playing in the backyard, I decided to go upstairs and journal; Millie took Dani and Lauren to get groceries for dinner and get things for Sages birthday party, he turns 7 in two days so we've been prepping for that.

I began to write.

Today is March 31st 2015, this day today was very special. I picked out my wedding dress, it was crazy, and emotional, even seeing Mike cry for the first time was so amazing. I feel really off. Not like mental but sick, my head has been pounding and my heart is always racing. Maybe I'm just stressed maybe I'm over doing everything. Well xoxo Christina.

I finished my journal entry and decided to go into prayer. I just felt exhausted. So I fell asleep.

Archers POV
I was outside playing with the girls and Sage.

"Hey guys I have an idea!" I said to them.

"What?" They all responded.

"Cici seems really tired and doesn't feel well, let's make her cards and then we can sneak into her room and all take a nap with her." I said and they all nodded.

~2:00 pm

Katherines POV

I began walking down the stairs to here giggling. I walk into the kitchen to find Sage and the girls drawing.

"What are you silly's doing?" I asked.

"Making cards for cici." Sage said.

"Oh that's so sweet of you! Have fun." I said as I walked outside to my car.

Archers POV
~2:30 pm
We finished making the cards for Cici so we went to her room and layed then on her nightstand. Then we all crawled beside her and layed down.

I wrapped my arm around her as she groaned.

"Mils?" She questioned.

"No Cici," I laughed.

"Then who is it?" She asked.

"It's Archer." I added.

"Aww hey babygirl." She said.

"Mimi will be home soon if your wondering, she called a while ago." I said.

"Okay." Cici said as we fell back asleep.

I just want cici to be better.


Hope you enjoyed! Kinda left at a cliff!k byeeeee -malie

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