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Lauren's POV [TW]

We immediately got out of the car and we saw a bloody body lying on the rocks.

"I think that's her." I said in tears pointing to the rocks.

There was a man next to her wrapping his flannel around her head.

"Is that? CHRISTIAN!" I cried, it was my boyfriend. I can't believe he's here, he was supposed to be in San Francisco for the month.

I got out of the car and ran to him and Archer.

"Christian!!" I cried.

"Lauren?" He looked up at me and ran to me and hugged me.

"Lauren what are you doing here?" Christian asked.

"T-Thats m-my c-cousin. W- what are you doing here Christian?" I asked.

"While I was in San Francisco I was doing my EMT training, then I got called home early and I decided to walk the beach and I saw your cousin jump from the rocks, I need to save her." Christian explained. I just cried and he kiss the top of my head.

"An ambulance is on its way." He said to me and Dani just hugged me.

-Few minutes later-

The ambulance arrived and took her and Christian stayed with her and I drove to the hospital.

-hospital- 4 hours later

We were waiting for Archer to come out of surgery. They said she'd be awake when she came back and suprisingly will have all her memory.

-5:00 pm-

Archer is doing amazing, she's talking like no other and the Dr said she could go home.

-7:00 pm-

We finally got to go home! But Lisa and Amy were freaking out.

"Hey guys!" Archer said.

"Baby? What happened?" Lisa asked.

"When I ran, I was going to jump off the rocks into the water but I slipped and hit my head." Archer frowned.

"Christian saved her." I added.

"Wait? Christian your boyfriend?" Amy asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Wait wasn't he in San Fran?" Mike asked walking into the living room.

"Yeah but apparently he came home early." I said.

"If he wasn't there Archer could've died." Mike said.

"They said if she didn't hit her head she would have still been in pain. It's like a miracle." Dani added.

"Wow that's amazing, so how are we going to break the new to Christina?" Mike asked.

"Good question we're not till later on." I said.

"Good enough." Lisa said.

"Well I'm going to put the little ones to bed then I'm going to go to bed." I said and everyone nodded.

-2 Days Later- [July 11th,2015]

Christina's POV 9:00pm

We just arrived home and everyone was still sleeping. So Millie and I sat on the couch and watched TV.

I heard little footsteps coming down the stair. Then they came around the corner.

"Sage?" I asked. His smile went wide.

"Mimi! Cici!" He called loudly.

"Shhhh Hi Sagey." Millie said hugging him. Then someone else came downstairs.

"Christina!Millie!" Lauren said running to us.

"Hey girlie!" I said.

"I missed you!" Millie said.

"I missed you guys so much!" Lauren said hugging us.

"We missed you!" Millie and I both said.

"So how was it?" I asked and Lauren's face went blank.

Lauren's POV

Christina asked me how this week, I said I was going to wait to tell her. But I'm gonna tell her.

"Christina, Millie, I wanted to wait to tell you but a miracle happened this weekend after a bad moment." I said and Christina looked at me weirdly.

"What?" Millie asked.

"The morning after you guys left Lisa, Amy and I were making breakfast and then Dani ran downstairs in a panic and was like WHERES ARCHER? And I looked at her and we instantly knew, she escaped from the window. I happen to put trackers in her shoes and then I pulled out my phone getting a notification that she was at the beach, 20 minutes away so Dani and I took Lisa's car and drove to the beach... when we got there we saw a guy standing next to a body." I explained so far and Christina and Millie were both crying.

"That's not it, when I got a closer look at the man wrapping his flannel around the girls head I realized that was Christian, my Christian with Archer. I called for him and explained that, that was my cousin and he had already sent a ambulance to us. We then drove to the hospital and the took her right in for surgery on her head and the give her stitches. But here's the miracle, when she awoke, she was perfectly fine, the doctor said if she hadn't fallen she would've still been in pain." I said and Christina looked at Millie in amazement. Then we all heard footsteps coming down the stairs.


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