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Archers POV ~The Next Day

Finally I get to go home! Christina told me the whole story, I can't believe my "father" would do that to Christina and Millie on their wedding day.


We arrived home. Lauren picked me up and walked to the door.

"We're home!" Christina called and Sage ran to Lauren.

"Kipper! Lauren! Mimi! Cici!" He said excited.

"Easy Sage." Christina said. 

"What's wrong with sissy?" Sage asked.

"Sissy got hurt by a mean man." Christina said.

Lauren brought me to her room and we layed down.


9:00 am

There was a knock on the door. I was still half asleep.

"It's Dani." She said and she came in.

"How my girl?" She asked.

"She's doing okay beside her back hurts." Lauren said. And I smiled and woke up.

"Dani." I said happily.

"Hey Kip." She kissed my forehead.

"Christina wanted me to tell you that lunch is ready." Dani said.

"Okay." Lauren and I both said. Lauren stood up and picked me up and we went downstairs.

"Hey Archer." Christina said as Lauren sat me down.

"Hi." I said shyly, she looked at me confused.

"What's wrong buggy?" She asked.

"Oh nothing." I lied.

I don't know what it is but I don't feel like I'm apart of the family anymore, All my other siblings are healthy and stable and I'm not. I can't even call Christina, Mom. I just want my life back, I ruined my own parents wedding!

Soon Allison ran to me.

"Sissy play wif me?" Allie gave me the puppy eyes.

"No Allie sorry maybe another time." I said sadly, I think Christina was catching on to me.

"Hey Lauren?" I asked.

"Yes, Kip?" She replied.

"Can we go for a drive?" I asked. And she looked at me and smiled.

"Chris can I take your truck?" Lauren asked.

"Fine, but if it doesn't comeback in the same condition, you're in trouble." Christina glared.

"I know i know." Lauren said. Then Sage walked up to Lauren and I.

"Can I come?" Sage asked.

"Maybe next time Sage, when sissy feels better." Lauren said to him.

We walked outside and got into Christina's truck.

All I could feel was tears running down my face without any hesitation Lauren went straight into asking questions.

"What's up Archer? You've definitely changed since you got home and it's okay to tell me." Lauren said I started crying.

"I ruined Millie and Christinas wedding day! Just because of my dumb father, for goodness sake I don't even have the courage to call them Mom. I lost my memory and got it back to soon I wish I didn't remember what happened so I don't have to remember it. I want my old back life Lauren! I miss being happy, I can't even walk straight! Lauren I was stabbed! By my own father! I will never forget that! I-" I stopped and Lauren hugged me tightly as I cried in her shoulder.

"Art, babygirl, it's okay, just let it out, I really wish there were more ways I could help you. I could talk to Christina and Millie if you'd like?" Lauren asked and I nodded.

"Okay baby, lets go back, and I will talk to them; till then I'll have Dani watch you. Sound good girly?" Lauren asked and I gave her a small grin.

"That's what I wanna see." Lauren smiled and I layed back and feel asleep. We were about 15 minutes from home so I slept.

This chapter is actually kinda sad

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