~40// Epilogue~

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-7 years later-

Christinas POV

Wow it been 7 years, well let me catch you up on life. Well I'm now 32 and Millie is 31. We now have 7 kids,
Finnegan Rose who is 21, Archer Rose who is 17, Kelsie Jane who is 15 now (which is crazy), Sage Micheal is 14, and Allison May is 12, the we had a little girl, Spero Eliza she's 7, and we adopted I little boy, Madison we call him Maddy, he's 6, so they're really close in age. Nick is great! He is 36 now and Avery is 20, the Cimorellis, Realis, and now Surrays live in a huge mansion together. Mike is 34, Kath is 30, Lisa is 29, Amy is 28, Lauren is 25, Dani is 23. Lauren and Christian are expecting their first child, they're having a little girl and they are naming her Ariana, from Archer nickname Ari. So it'll be Ariana Christine Surray, so technically what I said when I talked to Nick 7 years ago after not seeing him for 9 years, that if Lauren and Christian got married and had kids, they would have Cimorelli and Reali blood, which is crazy! I never expected after this wild madness, everything would come together. (A/N about to break the forth wall) you know,this is a fan fiction so I'm gonna end in a pow with adding the title. Throughout this story all we really did was once again Aim For The Target.

This is the last hurrah for Aim for the Target!!! I hope you enjoyed! ~ Malie

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