Part 8 My Relationship with Derek part 3

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On the day of the dance show this was the 18.12.13 I wasn't pumped up I was white and I just remember feeling so nervous I was just shaking like mad. But what did boost my confidence was seeing Derek walk in through the drama hall door just gave me that smile that I was so confident that I was smiling through out (just to show the haters that I can prove myself as a determinded girl who knew what she was doing). My head was high my heart was full and I throughly enjoyed what I was doing. By the end I was just relieved but little did I know what was gonna happen next.... anyway I was just about to go home when I saw George run back to college and to the security office George was out of breath but he was able to say this "Derek... hit me and..." and with me hearing Derek's name I turned to George and said "that's it I'm sorry but he's not hurting you" and I was about to go to the door and smash Derek's face in but I was stopped and I just stayed calm and when Derek got to College I couldn't bring myself to do what I was going to do and just went over and hugged Derek to calm down then I left college. While at the bus station it only took the a few minutes and I only remember a few things I remember Derek just coming over to me and hugging me then  taking me over to side of the B11 bus stop. At the side "what's up?" asked Derek "nothing" I said I was looking down "no there is something up and you know you can tell me" said Derek "okay... basically cos you hit George I'm scared that you'll hit me" I said "well... If George hits Billy I'm gonna hit him and if George hurt you I'd do the same so don't worry cos I'm not the bad guy in this situation so don't worry about it" said Derek just another hug and we were alright. Later on BillyJoe got her bus and Derek walked me to my bus stop while there I gave him a long hug and then from there I looked down again, looked up and then kissed him and to be honest I have always remember that one date cos this was my second proper boyfriend 18th of December 2013.

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