Since me and Connor split I have had confilics with him but trying this friends thing and it's gonna be a bumpy road. I took all my time to write this amazing heartfelt story for everyone to see what I'm capable of. I have become friends with people like Derek's ex Sophie and ended up talking to her on a few occasions but when we saw each other on the 12.11.14 I remember smiling and she were smiling as well, walked over to the left and I just said "you okay Soph?" "yeah thanks what about you?" Sophie replied I was stood with a Monster Energy Chaos and said "yeah thanks" "good what you doing now like?" asked Sophie "going back to college was waiting for my mate but she hasn't shown up so I might as well go back to College" I said "oh right I've finished for today" said Sophie in my head I was thinking "lucky bitch LOL" but said "cool then" then Sophie began walking to get her bus and I just said "I say your the lucky one MK girllo" Sophie laughed and I went back to College. Yeah things are still not perfect at least I've got mates, my family, the things I love and my ambition. I'm proud of the person I am and who I've become I'm on a rollercoaster so I'm sitting back and can't wait for what's gonna happen next stay strong warrior you can make it that is my message from this story and I believe this story yeah maybe it's not gonna get published but so what I'm so proud of this story probably the best piece of work I've ever done and nothings gonna stop me. But one thing I can say is that I'm a survivor I've gone through the storm and then one there will be a rainbow for me so head high, heart full and carry on warrior cos it'll only keep getting better from here on in.

Nothing but the Truth
No FicciónFrom the outside looking in I look like an every day happy-go-lucky girl but that's not the girl from another life deep dark secrets and a secret life of which not you would see from putting me on a pedestal and making me reveal my secrets. Now it's...