Part 27 Happy to be Back

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So on the 5th of January was the day everyone was dreading but I was looking forward to I'd missed everyone my girllos, my lad and even the lessons that often get turned into a comedy club. It was great to be back at College seeing my girllos again and it was nice to be back. First thing I did on the first day back at college was walk upstairs and see my boy seen as there was no contact throughout the Xmas hols but when Dazza walked over to me I had the biggest smile on my face since Xmas Day Dazza came over and gave me a hug and said "what's been up with you? Cos according to one of the lads they said you were gonna break up with me" I frown a little and said "no I'm not breaking up with you it's bullshit and anyway why haven't you been in touch cos last thing you said to me was "I'm gonna get mortal" cos you were going to a party" "hmm yeah well truth is its that I broke my iPad and went on holiday so I'm sorry" said Dazza. Lesson went well with tons of laughs and it was a great start to the new term. It was great seeing everyone again and catching up and to be honest I know most people hate the first day of term but to be honest it's just nice to be back and to see all your friends again is the best thing ever. I came back to being this lovely, happy, vivacious person I was so excited to be back with the girls and back with my amazing lad Dazza that the two weeks where I was at home and celebrating the Xmas hols was worth it just to be back with my amazing group of people. 

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