Part 24 the upcoming xmas hols

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Right so before the Xmas hols I was a mix between this happy vivacious person and a stroppy toddler the happy vivacious person was because I felt like the luckiest girl in the world because Dazza went out of his way to buy me lip glosses and chocolate lollies and the card Dazza got me was beautiful just like the card I did for him I wrote a lil love note in it it said "to my amazing boy what a emotional roller coaster of a year it's been but the best thing was getting to be with you I love you so much and here's to our little infinity" Dazza's note on my card was "thanks for being there for my babe it's been a tough year but I'm in a happy part of life now" tons of kisses I'm so lucky to have Darian and to be honest I think this lads my soulmate. But a week before the Christmas hols I was low as fuck on Thursday I was kicking off for different reasons
1. one of my classmates mouthed at me for being in the wrong place so me being me turned round and raised my voice louder then his (Vicky Pattison move) and then he got defensive
2. I banged my knee on the small settee in the cafeteria
3. I couldn't wrap a present for the secret Santa
But what calmed me down was as I was listening to music my LSA who the group had on Wednesdays and Thursday's said that "if anything gets too much for me I can leave the room" I nodded my head next thing I know someone has to go a bit to far I had a party popper banged and it really really shit me up they apologised about it of course but I'd just had enough that I had my head in my hands and just began crying "Shayleigh's upset" said one of my lad class mates one of the LSAs came over and I left the room to dry my eyes and just sat in the computer room I confided in my beauty tutor that really did help. On lunch I went to kfc but I wasn't happy still I ate a little of my snack box a few chips and the hot wings and went back to college. Upon arriving back I was just stood near the spinning door and a normal door and just keeping to myself and then I turned my head to the normal glass door and saw the back of Sophie's head I went out and she was on the phone (as per fucking usual lol just kidding my MK girllo) so I had to be quiet but she turned her head to see who had come out she saw it was me and just gave me a big hug (like we often do) but I think Sophie kinda noticed that I looked a bit upset and not my happy go lucky self. "You alright Soph?" "Not really no" said Sophie I shrugged "your not the only one" I said "hmm do you wanna come town for a bit I need to find some Christmas presents for my little brothers" said Sophie "yeah sure hun" I said and we had one of those girllo issues talks me and Sophie were in primark looking for something for her little brother to wear after we left primark I started back to college "are you gonna go back to college seen as you've only got..." Said Sophie as she checked her phone "five minutes" "I might as well" I said we hugged and I left for college. As soon as I got to the fourth floor I had my mate (who is so into Eminem he could marry him) saying I get more dope then he does "listen dickhead you might be on that shit but I'm not so get a life" I said when I was back in class I asked my tutor if I could go out she said I could so I sat on the landing of the life skills corridor and just couldn't wait for the day to be over to be honest it was not good at all. The only people that kept me grounded was my LSA Denise, my beauty tutor Louise, Dazza, Sophie and Chantelle brilliant group of people to be honest and I owe Dazza and Sophie one 💜

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