Part 22 Being discharged from CAMHS and My girllo chats

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Me and Dazza have been together for two weeks now and yes it's still going good. Now I have been with CAMHs ever since I got really down and suicidel which was back July 2013 to December 2014 so I have been there for 17 month and the help I've recieved has been just amazing I can't thank my counsellor enough for the help and the support given she's given me it truly means a lot and now I'm moving on to the Autistic Family Practitioners and on December 8th my counsellor had phoned the headmistress of Lifeskills and she gave me a little post it note saying "East Leith Gate Vicki 2:30" I will be honest I was actually dreading this and I'm not really going to be open about that in anyway, shape or form. But when it came to December the 9th I walked up the stairs and straight to the CAMHs seating area when my counsellor came I just smiled and had so much going on the bit I won't relive because it was to traumatizing. I was also asked about how I was getting on at the AFP (Autistic Family Practioners) and I happily said "I'm getting on so amazingly and I'm happy you recommend it for me" and though the happy but bad news was accuring I just tried my damnest to give it some of the Shayleigh humour though it was quite emotional I'm not gonna lie being discharged was kind of emotional the last words I remember from Vicki was "you know something Shayleigh you are such a remarkable young lady and all you need to do like I kept telling you from the moment you started coming here was that you need to believe in yourself Shayleigh because you've got it in you" I was smiling through being told this though yes it was one of those close to tears smiles but it was good moving on from CAMHs and I'm pleased that I've moved on. After that session I went to college to see if Dazza was there cos I wanted a hug but I'd didn't know that Dazza only has half a day on Tuesdays so I just went down the escalator and saw Sophie (MK Girllo LOL nd well the back of her head) "Soph?!" I called she just carried on walking she was with a few of her beauty mates and they stopped just under the bridge and Sophie kept walking and her mates were calling her and I just carried on walking then I started to jog quickly but quite slow and then as soon as I caught her up she looked to the right and saw me she was on the phone to her boyfriend "um can I call you back" said Sophie he replied and then she put the phone down turned to me gave me a hug and we just spoke about some different subjects from Christmas presents, to what was going on with us and all types of different things as we walked to the bus station yeah that was a pretty good chat.

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