Other 4

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This chapter is dedicated to iamcheetah & babycat29, thanks for the upvotes & nice to see you here too Krits1901 💕


Dara was surprised to see the twins are on their seat once she got in and have not made a ruckus, but the smug look on their faces didn't escape her eyes.

Dara just scanned the room and put her tablet down. Everyone was present. They were only twenty of them in the class.

"Why do you think having good manners is important?" Dara began

"We don't." Hanbin answered which made his twin snicker and some of the class.

"Which is perfect that you're here in my class so you could lear—" the classroom door opened revealing minzy and jiyong.

"Sorry to interrupt your class miss park." Minzy said, putting her hand down that was left suspended in the air with the other. She was going to knock but Mr. Kwon went ahead and got in.

"I hope you don't mind having Mr. Kwon observe the class?" Minzy asked, turning to me.

"Why would she have a problem with it if the principal permits?" Jiyong remarked lowly, letting only dara hear it. She bit back her tongue and smiled at minzy who nodded and bowed lightly before taking her leave.

"Behave, children." Minzy reminded.

"Yes Ms. Gong." The children chorused. Minzy left and everyone was silent. The twins beamed at their dad with pride who continued to stand infront of the class when he already have a velvet chair reserved solely for him.

"You may sit do—"

"What's the use with this class? We're just wasting our money with something irrelevant and so basic." Jiyong said loudly, cutting dara off in the middle of her sentence, making sure everyone hears it.

"I mean, what we pay is nothing but a penny for us but at least it should be beneficial and something that can't be learned outside of the school." Jiyong continues to mock.

"Right?" Dara agreed which surprised jiyong and the class

"It is so basic and repetitive yet some people still fail at it. You wonder where those teachings as a kid went when it's very basic? Having good manners and right conduct should start with your first school and I don't mean your day care centers but in your homes cause the parents are supposed to be your first teachers." Dara raised her chin so she can see jiyong  in the eye who was a bit taller than her.

"I'm sure it has been taught over and over yet some people can't seem to take a grasp on what it's all about when it's just so simple. Right, Mr. Kwon? It should be common sense to knock first before going in to someone else's room or let people finish talking before you say something cause that's what you do when you have good manners and right conduct." Jiyong's eye twitched and dara faked a gasp

"Oh wait..." dara gave jiyong a sympathetic look knowing he did those two.

"I knew there's a reason why you need to observe my class! You may sit down right over there so may learn a thing or two about something you should've learned especially with your age." Jiyong popped one of his button off

"For someone teaching good manners and right conduct, aren't you being disrespectful?" Jiyong's jaw clenched and dara innocently tilted her head

"Am I? But sir, I was just agreeing with you that this subject is really something that can be learned outside and should have been instilled to everyone and not have the school need to remind." Jiyong was fuming but he has to keep his cool. He never felt so humiliated in his life! No one had ever humiliated him. No one dares to.


"Woah who fucked your ahole?" Seunghyun chuckled at their fuming friend.

"Are you sure your wife's not infected with her friend?! I heard she was the one who recommended that bitch to take her place while she's on leave." Jiyong spats, removing his tie and drinking the scotch in one gulp.

"Dara?" Seunghyun laughed to which the latter glared  at.

"Dara's bom's best friend. She was supposed to be the one you're paired up with on my wedding but wasn't able to make it." Seunghyun informs.

"I knew her name was familiar!" His friends chuckled. They never saw jiyong this worked up before. Not even with his business competitors.

"What did she do to make you that mad bro? Rejected you?" Jiyong scoffed at his best friend.

"Like I'd give her my attention as a man. I don't see her as a woman at all." She was a looker alright but she's potty-mouthed

"Aish! Just thinking about her makes my blood boil." Jiyong took another shot and slammed the glass on the table.

"Do you have more information on her? The private investigator I hired was only able to give me the basics, name, age, birthday, where she works, where she lives. She must be hiding something if that's the only thing he can find. No background about her family.

"You want to dig some dirt? Good luck with that." Seunghyun shook his head.

"You know her?" The guy just mysteriously grinned and shook his head lightly

"Ottok'e? looks like you've met your match kwon." I scowled

"Shut up. She's nowhere near my level."

"Yeah, by the way she riles you up is evidence enough she's above you." Jiyong threw a glare to their maknae and threw him a pillow cushion and hit him square in the face

"Seriously ji. What did she do?" Daesung's eyes crinkled in amusement.

"She humiliated me infront of my children and their classmates!" Jiyong slammed the glass hard again they were worried it'll break.

"How exactly?" Youngbae asked to elaborate. Jiyong ranted out in answer but his friends just howled in laughter

"You just got schooled kwon!" Seunghyun hooted

"Now I think I wanna meet her and then start worshipping her." Younbae laughed hard.

"It's not funny!" Jiyong was seething with anger. That bitch will pay!

✔ Book 1: The Other Miss ParkWhere stories live. Discover now