Other 35

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It was jennie's first time at a public pool hall. But this pool hall is not like the ones with a scary vibe in it, you know like where gangsters hang out. This one is air conditioned and very expensive, exclusive for elites.

"Your first time?" Jennie jumped a bit when a senior asked her, too close to her liking

"Yeah." She answers, moving away a bit.

"Is it jennie's treat today?"

"Yah, didn't you know? They're kind of... not doing well." A girl said

"Aniyo! I'll pay for everything." Jennie smiles and they cheered

Jennie's eyes almost widened at all the food they ordered. "C-can we eat all of this?"

"Maybe? We can just throw the leftovers." They shrugged and jennie pursed her lips

"Why? Do you want to bring it home?" A guy snickered

"What? No." Jennie awkwardly chuckled. Before, she didn't care how much she spends and how much food is left to waste but having to sell off her clothes to have money, she didn't feel good about wasting her money like that.

"Let's play! There's six of us, three vs. three. We'll take turns ok?" Jennie nods in understanding. Usually billiards is a one on one game but with friends, they can do it by group.

"But just playing it like that is boring? Let's bet on it. Say, a thousand dollars?"

"Fine with me."

"Don't wanna go higher?" Some joked

"Jennie, you ok with that?" The boy nudged her

"Of course, that's just cent for the Kwons." They decided for her. Jennie did a quick math on her head and she'll be left with pretty much nothing if she lose.

"It's not like I'm gonna lose." Jennie smiles confidently, determined to win it. On the bright side, if she wins she'll have a thousand and she can use that to pay for the food they ordered and have some left for herself.

"Best of nine?" Best of nine frame match. The first player ti win five frames win.

"Heads will be for solid, Tails for the stripe." Jennie was teamed up with the senior who invited her and her boyfriend, the one who was too close with jennie earlier.

"Heads." Doesn't really matter anyway, it just depends though with the placement of the balls and of course, skill.

It was tails. Their opponents will be stripe while they have the solid balls.

"You're good." Jennie smiled at the compliment. They won the first game.

It was doing well, or so she thought. Her teammates seems to be... lacking in terms of skill causing them to lose and lose again. They won two games with one, jennie barely managed to fo so and their opponent have three points. If they win again, they'll automatically lose.

Jennie was feeling uneasy. It didn't escape her eyes the way they exhanged glances. She has been very cautious with the crowd she's going out with because of what happened before and her stomach churned at the thought of being used. Again.

She curled up her fist as another round is about to start. She was being made into a fool. They set a trap and she walked right in. She can feel her eyes starting to sting.

"What the fuck was that? I can'ttell if you'rejust acting like you're clumsy or you'rejust plain noob?" They turned to a female's taunting deep voice and jennie's eyes widened in recognition.

"Jennie, right? Want me to be your partner instead?" Her heart-shaped lips stretched to a grin.

"Jennie, do you know this bitch?" The senior asked

"Her name's jisoo." Jennie answers with a glare and jisoo smiled wider.

"So how about it? Jennie and me against the three of you" jisoo pointed over to jennie's opponents

"Or all of you. Doesn't matter really." Jisoo shrugs.

"For your information, we're on a bet."

"So? Triple it then." Jennie snapped her head to jisoo. She can't even risk to double it!

"Can you even pay that?" She hissed at jisoo

"No. But I am a champion in this game." Jennie stared at her and shook her head.

"Call! Don't back out of it!" Jisoo was wearing pigtails. She removed one of her bands and handed it to jennie then put her hair on a messy bun. Jennie accepted it and put her hair on a ponytail.

"But wait, how sure can we be that jennie can pay?" Jennie frowned at tbe question

"Yeah, didn't you tell us you saw her buying at a thrift shop? The girl turned to the one who invited jennie and jennie's stomach dropped seeing her snicker. It wasn't lisa.

"Why? Does going to a thrift shop mean you don't have money? If you don't have money you can't shop at all and besides, don't you know? Thrift shops is where you can find limited edition items you can't find in stores anymore. Looking at your clothes..." jisoo eyes them head to foot "I'm pretty sure all of it combine is worth jennie's top's original price." They scoffed at jisoo's reply

"Don't cry when you lose." They bumped into jisoo and went over to the other side.

"Nice mantra you have there for yourself. Fighting!" Jennie has to bit back her laugh. It seems like you can't win arguements with this family.

"Two against two then so it'll be fair for you. We don't want anyone to think wer're bullying you." The senior who invited cheekily says.

"With your game play earlier? You sure about that?" Jisoo really knows how to press their nerve

"Fine by me. You offer us easier win, why not?" With the game, Jennie was really amde out to be a fool cause their skills suddenly showed. However, jisoo didn't just empty-brag about her being a champion in this game, cause she nailed it.

"Bitch better have my money." Jisoo smirks and high-fived with jennie who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Here. You badly need it anyway, think of it as charity." They slapped the cash on jennie's hand

"Oh don't be such a sore loser. We have the money not cause we need it, it's simply because you can't match our skills. Come on jennie! Let's go shop at a thrift shop where they can envy your limited edition clothes." Jisoo pulls jennie out, laughing.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Jisoo raised a brow at her

"For what you did back there."

"What did I do? We were a team. I wouldn't have won it without your skills." Jisoo shrugs. Jennie became silent for a while.

She always seem to end up with the wrong crowd and she blames her lack of better judgment.

"Something bothering you?" Jennie bows her head and can't help but cry. She's been very emotional lately.

She told jisoo about the wrong people she hang out with and how she treated the people who actually cares

"Well, you can never really know with people. What's important is you know your mistake and you learn from it."

✔ Book 1: The Other Miss ParkWhere stories live. Discover now