Other 55

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Jiyong has been glancing on his phone every five seconds and jennie have noticed it. They had fun last night, still going through with the bonfire and singing along til dawn so they woke up pretty late. They're currently waiting for the boat that will take them back to arrive, and her dad, as she took notice, have been agitated since last night.

She turned to her brother who was as equally agitated. She cocked her head to the side wondering what's on the mind of the men in her family. Do they have something they're not telling her? She doesn't like to be kept in the dark. She was about to confront the two when they both blocked jinhwan's way yelling "Did Dara/Hayi contact you?"

"Woah." Jinhwan raised his hands up in surrender and cowered a bit. The father and son both have tiger looks on their faces that he feels like they're going to eat him whole if he gives them the wrong answer.

Ever since they left, none of the Parks have contacted them, not even letting them know if they've arrived safely or whatsoever.

"No, I haven't heard from them either." Jinhwan quickly ducked out of their way when the male Kwons both slouched in disappointment at the same time. Just as they were about to sit back down they hear the boat arrived and was quick on their as they ran outside making jennie blink and scoffed in amusement. She shook her head and bent down to pick up her phone from the table which she almost dropped from shock when the father and son duo came back and yelled at everyone to hurry.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Jennie raised her brow at her twin

"Because, it's not good to make someone wait." Jennie raised her brow at that, last time she checked he's second when it comes to making people wait. Why second? Cause she's the first.

She turned when she heard suhyun giggle with saeron. "You're really asking that?"

"Asking what?"

"Oh come on jendeuk (suddenly everyone's calling her that after jisoo started it), isn't it obvious why they're acting like that?" Lisa giggled

"They're bored here already?" Her girl friends laughed and shook their head at her.

"Looks like the your boys are having a crush on Miss Park and her niece." Chaeyoung grinned

"Yeaaaah, I don't know about that? My twin's allergic to romantic shit and my dad's a whore, you think Miss Park can change that?" Jennie cringed at the thought of her father causing her teacher's tears and she didn't like it. As much as it was hard to admit, Miss Park was the parent they never had, besides, with the couple of months they lived with each other, Miss Park usually is on the upper hand and her dad doesn't like to be bossed around or being under anyone.

"ARE YOU GUYS WAITING FOR THE SEA TO DRY UP OR WHAT?!" Jiyong roared at the girls causing them to jump in surprise.

They chorused "we're going/coming" giggling while jennie just took her sweet time walking and rolling her eyes

"It's not like we won't see them when we get back." Jennie snickered, but soon took back her words when their limousine greeted them at the port.

"Mr. Kwon." Tablo bowed at jiyong and let the chauffeur open the door to the car.

"We will be taking you kids home" there were other cars waiting for the rest that hanbin recognized were theirs.

"Bye, see you at school!" Jennie smiled and waved at her friends.

"Don't be a stranger and ping us ok?" Suhyun smiled and bid farewell.

"Tablo, what are you doing here?" Jiyong turned to his right hand man whom he haven't seen in person but kept in contact with him from time to time to inform him what's happening inside his company.

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