Other 25

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Dara crossed her arms as she waits for the twins. They want to wait til no one is there to see them getting inside her car.

"You do know you can't hide it for long." Dara says, looking at them through the rearview mirror.

"We don't have to hide it that long, I'm sure dad's already working on it." Jennie says but dara wanted to snort, if her old man's involved, there's no easy way out. They need to be straightened out before they can be back to their lavish life or else, a lot of people will be unemployed and face the wrath of the that Kwon Jiyong.

"Aren't you picking up your niece?" Hanbin noticed they were on their way home already.

"No. I only drop them off. They take the bus home." The twins cringed at the thought of riding the bus and dara smirked.

They arrived home just in time to see mino and hayi walking from the bus stop.

"You're home late imo." Dara would usually be inside the house already, preparing for dinner.

"Had to wait for these two." Dara jerked her thumb towards the twins behind her

"You should've let them walk." Hayi snickered

"How about you walk." Hanbin fired back

"We were walking, dumbass." Dara rolled her eyes and walked up to the door, blocking their bickers. She'd have to get used to it cause she has a feeling it won't be that peaceful so easily.

The door was locked so she fished out her keys and inserted it in. Once unlocked, she turned back to the kids who are still busy throwing savage remarks

"Yah! Are you doing some fliptop challenge or something? Show me the money?" They stopped bickering and stuck their tongues out at each other. Shaking her head, she went ahead inside but paused on her tracks at the sight before her.

"Imo, why d'you-" Mino gasped and gaped at the mess around the house, his chips scattered on the center table, the empty packaging on the ground, the TV was on but the one using it is asleep.

"You should probably prepare your father's funeral." Hayi whispered to Jennie as dara took calming breaths.

"YAH KWON JIYONG!!" Dara screamed, marching towards the sleeping dragon.

"Take cover!" Hayi and mino pulled the twins inside the nearest room which was dara's and they opened the door a bit so they can see waht's happening outside.

"aahhh-ahh ahhh!" All four kids cringed and felt their sideburns simultaneously as if they're the ones getting pinched there.

"Oww oww oww! Let go!" Woken from his slumber with his sideburns getting twisted in a pinch, Jiyong slapped away dara's hands and glared at her

"What did you do that for?!" He yells

"You're realy asking me that question, Kwon?! I told you to clean the house!!! Not mess it up!" Jiyong just rolled his eyes and was going to take a seat when dara pinched his sideburns again, making him stand back up.

"Yah! How dare you do that to me?! I am Kwon Jiyong!"

"And I'm Sandara Park! My house, my rules! If you can sleep with these garbage around you then my all means, grab your things and sleep in the dumpster!" Jennie gasped and quickly ran out to her father, hanbin also followed suit

"We'll clean it up!" Hanbin and jiyong were surprised with Jennie's declaration.

"I. Will. Not. Sleep. In. A. Dumpster." Jennie says through gritted teeth, glaring at her father.

"Don't look at me like that young miss!" But Jennie wasn't fazed. She's serious. It's better to have this small shelter than not having shelter at all.

"So now you're scolding her?" Dara snorted. "Clean it up." Mino and hayi immediately went out of dara's room when she went in. They looked at each other and shrugged, going to their respective rooms.

"Where are you going? Didn't you hear your aunt say to clean up?" Jennie whined

"Garbage bag's in there, Black is for Biodegrables and White for non-bio." Mino simply answered, pointing to where they keep the trash bags and went inside his room.


"Your dad was told to clean a house that barely needs cleaning but instead,  caused this mess. Clean it yourselves, you have no helpers here." Hayi casually says, going in her room.

The twins turned to their father with a matching glare. "W-what?! L-let's just hurry up!" Jiyong walked out to get the bags. Jennie and hanbin stared at each other then chuckled. It was their first time seeing their father stutter. Dara closed her door silently with a smile.


The Parks cooked for dinner and called the Kwons to join them. "How was school?" The twins heads jerked up to dara's question. At the heads of the table, sat dara and jiyong on opposite sides. Hayi and Jennie sat side by side and adjactent to them is mino and hanbin.

hanbin - mino
gd                          dara
jennie - hayi

"I won the poster making contest." Mino says, grinning. The twins wanted to laugh, it's just a poster making contest

"Where is it? so I can add it on the wall!" Dara excitely says and mino chuckled standing up to get it

"You will like ity imo, It's my favorite among his works." Hayi threw a thumbs up

"I already have it framed knowing you would do this." The kwon's followed them with thir gaze as Dara added mino's piece on the wall where a few art was hanged, from art that looks nothing like art and it showed progress with each one being added.

"I'm so proud of you! You finally have the eyes right!" Dara joked and ruffled mino's hair as they went back to finish their meal and chatted animatedly, contrast to the silent side of the kwons.

"How about you Nini and binnie?" The twins were startled hearing dara giving them nicknames

"Sorry, is it ok if I call you that? Don't worry, I won't call you that in school." Jennie gulped down the lump on her throat and nodded silently.

"Anything you'd like to share?" Silence. The twins were not used to sharing with what happened to their day, no one cared enough to know anyway.

"Well... We're running out of cash." Jiyong paused on chewing and looked at hanbin.

"Oh, that's easy." Dara says

"You'll give them allowance?" Jiyong raised a brow at dara

"No. You will." Jiyong's brows furrowed

"Is this supposed to e a joke?"

"Chanel." Mino starts

"You could sell that half a price and they'll have enough allowance for a month or two, it depends how they spend." The Kwon's jaw dropped

"You want us to sell our things?!" Jennie screeched, the Kwons gaped at the Parks who are just smiling and nodding.

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