Other 47

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"Let go!" Dara glares at jiyong as they both held on to the doorknob of their room

"No, you let go! I'm first." Jiyong argues, glaring back

"I got inside the house first!" Dara yells at him and tries to push him off by bumping into him but he didn't budge

"So? I got here first!" He don't really know what they're arguing for, he just knows he does not want to lose to this woman.

"If you did, you'd be inside already but here you are! I'm gonna take a shower first!!"

Jiyong furrowed his brows "This is what it's all about? You want to take a shower first?"

"Aren't you in a hurry to take a shower?"

"No." Jiyong finally lets go of the doorknob

"Then why did you run?!"

"Because you ran!" Rolling her eyes, dara opened the door and tossed her book on the bed and went straight to the bathroom, locking it while jiyong sat on the couch and checked on his phone.

"and that's why they said your age doesn't define your maturity." Hanbin snickers. They saw the whole exchange between the two adults.

"I thought your aunt was cool?" Saeron whispers to hayi

"She is! But their father's immaturity must be contagious."

"Hey!" The twins says at the same time hearing hayi's reply

"Let's go down guys, we have a bonfire to start." Jisoo claps her hand to get everyone's attention

"Chanwoo already went down to tell the hyungs." Donghyuk informs jisoo

"Well, let's go then!" They all headed downstairs and went outside where mino and his friends already gathering woods to create the bonfire

"Ok! You twins relax, girls let's get the barbecue ready and you boys carry some logs and put it around the bonfire for us to sit on! Move!" Jisoo orders around


Jiyong looks up from his phone as dara gets out of the bathroom in her robe while she dries her hair with a towel. Feeling someone's gaze on her, dara paused on drying her hair and looked at jiyong "What?" He was staring at her.

"W-what took you so long?" He grumbles, avoiding her gaze and stood up from the couch.

Not answering him, dara headed towards the dresser and plugged the hair dryer while jiyong went inside the bathroom and splashed some water on his face and looked at himself in the mirror. When dara came out from the bathroom earlier he had crazy thought that it felt like they were on their honeymoon and he was the busy husband waiting for his wife to finish.

"What the fuck is going on? Is it the air on this island? Is it the food they served? Why can't I stop thinking stupid thoughts about that woman? She's not that pretty... Ok fine, she's gorgeous. But that's it! I'm a man of boobs and butt and she does not have any of those!" Your ex-wife has all that but you're not into her.

"And what are you saying? that I'm in to her? Me? into that teacher?!" He screeches in disbelief and got startled when a knock came

"Are you ok in there? Last time I checked there's only two of us here." Jiyong didn't realize how loud he was being that dara could actually his muffled screams from the outside.

"I-I'm in a phone call!" He yells loudly enough for her to make out what he's saying

"Ok then. I'm going down ahead!" dara immediately truned without waiting for a response

"Ara jag- eiusgfuergfyu eyd !!!!" Jiyong pants as he stops cursing himself out and nervously stared at the door. Wondering if dara had heard him. He slowly cracked the door open peeked to see if dara's around but she's no longer there. He opens the door widely and craned his neck and sighed in relief then closed the door again.

"Aishh!! Jagi? Jagiya?? Reallyy??" Jiyong ruffled his hair in frustration and stripped off his clothes, heading for a hot shower instead to relieve his stress.


"Noona, what did you do to the head Kwon?" Dara was confused with jinhwan's question

"Huh?" He pouted his lips towards where jiyong is and dara followed he's pointing. She was taken aback by jiyong's glare. He continued to glare at her as he bit into his pork barbecue and harshly pulling it from the stick.

Dara raised her brow and chin "what?" she mouths but jiyong didn't answer and just continued to glare

"*Jugulae? Hwak-" dara sliced stuck her thumb out and ran it across her neck. Only then did jiyong avoid her gaze and glared at the fire instead. (*wanna die?)

"Alright!! Since everybody's here!! and we're amost done eating let's play a game!!" jisoo yells and everyone cheered except for jiyong and dara

"Nope, I'm out." Dara stood to leave which earned collective whines. She could sense a conspiracy behind this so-called games and she's not up for it.

"Come on imo, don't be such a party pooper." bobby tries to coax her

"Call me killjoy, old geezer or whatever. I'm already going to sleep." Jiyong was about to stand as well when dara pointed at him

"You're staying and make sure no one dies." furrowing his brows, jiyong whined "Why can't you do it? You're the one who thought of it."

"Cause it's your children's birthday. Not mine." Dara then turns to the birthday celebrants and their friends "And you kids! You're just fifteen so no alcoholic beverages for you." cue the objections

"Just a bit please! It's our birthday!" Jennie whines

"No." the kids grumbled under their breath knowing they can't convince dara.

"What are we gonna do? She's going to leave" Hayi whispers to jisoo

"Let her be. We can't force her. We'll just have to make sure she won't trust the head kwon with supervising us alone." Jisoo smirks

Dara really did leave the kids under jiyong's supervision and went to bed early, not knowing what tomorrow brings. Jiyong whose ego gets easily feed, have been lenient with the kids request to drink will soon realize his mistake.

✔ Book 1: The Other Miss ParkWhere stories live. Discover now