Other 30

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"What are you waiting for? Come on." Hayi motioned her head for the twins to come inside. The twins eyed the bus full of peeple hesitantly. There's no more chairs to sit on!

"Are they coming with you or what?" The bus driver asked impatiently. Hayi sighed and went down to push the twins up the bus.

"Hey!" Jennie whined and hanbin glared at hayi. The twins don't have bus passes so hayi paid for them. Jennie looked around the bus with a cringe, slowly walking towards where mino is standing, giving judgemental looks at the people who were minding their own business.

The bus closed and lurched forward, making the wins stumble since they didn't hold on to the straphanger. Good thing hayi was able to grab a hold of hanbin's shirt collar, choking him in the process and jennie ended up on mino's embrace who helped her steady her ground.

"Oh sorry, would you rather have fallen flat on your face?" Hayi rolled her eyes at hanbin when he gave her another glare, fixing his collar, removing it from her grasp after he steadied himself.

"Hold on to the straphanger before you make a fool out of yourself again." He looked at where hayi was holding and followed suit. Jennie however, eyed the thing disgust. Wondering how many germs it has, so she held on to the hem of mino's jacket instead, inching closer so she won't fall again.

"Hey kid, you're not that short, you can still reach th-

"Stop calling me kid! I'm turning 15 in a month and you're like what? two years older than me?" Jennie huffed, cutting mino off.

"Three." Mino corrects her.

"Whatever, and I won't touch that thing! who knows how many bacteria there is." She grumbles.

"I can say the same for my jacket." The bus came to a stop and a few people got off so the four were able to take a sit. Jennie sat with mino and hanbin with hayi.

Hanbin was busy playing on his phone which he finally retrieved from dara when hayi started to lean on him.

"Y-ya, what are you d-doing?" Hayi snorted at his stutter and he shut his eyes close when her face came near.

"We're getting off." He hears hayi say so he opened his eyes to see her moving away from him. He looked to his side and found a red button where passengers push to let the driver know their stop. He was frozen on his sit but snapped out of it when he saw his twin is already getting off the bus with mino.

"Why are you blushing?" Jennie eyed her twin's reddened face. Hayi and mino heard her question so they both looked at hanbin who immediately scowled,"No, I'm not! I'm just pissed on why we have to go with them."

"No one's forcing you. You already have money right? Take the cab and go home then." Hayi rolled her eyes and went inside the mall, mino tailing behind her. The twins grudgingly followed after the two knowing they need to buy clothes since they're out of it.

"We'll just pay the bills then get back to you so we can head to the supermarket together." Mino and hayi left the twins where they usually shop for clothes.

Hanbin just grabbed whatever he thinks that fits him, he didn't really mind about what brand he's wearing, he just want to get it over and done with. He hates shopping.

Jennie on the other hand, hesitantly looked around the place and ducks her head, looking out incase someone from school might see her, but then again. She doubts anyone from her school comes to shop at the cheap mall filled with class A immitations, at least that what she thinks.

Jennie gasped and zeroed her eyes on the limited edition top from the Paris Fashion Week fall collection two years ago-which she failed to get- and grabbed it but another hand grabbed it at the same time. "Hey I saw it fi- Jennie?!" It was lisa.

"Oh wow, I never thought I'd see you here?" Lisa was genuinely surprised, she never in a million years would have thought bumping into jennie in a place like this. Jennie was struggling to find an excuse and that's when hayi came back with mino. "It's for her!" Jennie pointed at hayi

"She asked me a favor to help her buy nice clothes like mine but she can't afford so..." jennie smiled

"Excuse me?" hayi laughed humorlessly and scoffed but said nothing and left for the grocery ahead, followed by her brother.

Lisa wasn't dense, she knows it was just an excuse jennie said cause she was embarrased. The rumors might have been true about the Kwons being kicked out of their empire afterall. The jennie she knew wouldn't be caught dead walking in to this type of shops.

Lisa took the top they both were pinning on earlier and smiled, handing it over to Jennie. "I think this will look good on her, tell her she doesn't need to be embarrased cause she'll rock these clothes anyway, whether they may be hand-me-downs or fresh off the runway. I'll see you at school." Lisa decided to come back at a later time to let jennie finish her shopping.

"You're done? Where's your clothes?" Chaeyoung asked her friend who just smiled and looped an arm around her, "Let's just get back later, too many brands to pick from and I'm hungry."

"Streetfood?" Chaeng arched a bow and lisa nodded, "Streetfood." The duo went off to search for streetfood stalls. Along the way back, while they eat their tteokbokki take out, they bumped into a man and gasped when they spilled some of the sauce unto his suit.

"Ya!" The man yelled making chaeyoung flinch and clung tightly to lisa

"We're so sorry!" Lisa wanted to wipe if ott but the guy slapped her hands away. He looks like a thug.

"Do you bitches know how much this suit is?!" Lisa and chaeng couldn't say anything but they both don't recognize who he's wearing at all.

Thay just said "We'll pay for it."

The guy snickered and put a hand on his pocket saying, "Why? Do you have ten million won?"

"Ten million won my ass, That cheap looking immitation isn't even Class A." Three of them turned to see who spoked and there stood a pretty girl wearing a gucci oversized sweatshirt, faded ripped skinny jeans and a paranoise shoe.

She gracefully walked in front of the thug, hiding lisa ang chaeyoung behind her and slapped a twenty dollar bill on the guy's chest and cooly said "Get lost."

Enraged, the guy was going to slap her beautiful face when someone grabbed his hand, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Oh?" Lisa and chaeyoung stared at the familiar boy as he whispered something at the guy who paled and ran off.

"Ya, what if he had hit you and I wasn't there to intervene?" he whined at his reckless girlfriend

"I'm jisoo, I'm ok." His girlfriend smiled and turned to chaeyoung and lisa. "You girls ok?" They nodded and bobby turned to the two and pointed at them too.

"You know them?" Jisoo raised a brow

"Babe, they're you're aunt's students." Jisoo's heart-shaped lips turned to an O.

✔ Book 1: The Other Miss ParkWhere stories live. Discover now