Other 17

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It was a normal day for the Kwons. They went on with their lives like they used to without knowing the impending doom they will soon face.

"Mithra, gummy did not report for work?" Mithra fidgeted on his spot, wanting to cover for the single mother.

"She called in sir, her daughter's sick." Mithra hesitantly says

"Tell her she's fired."


"No buts! I'm pretty sure I pay more than enough for her to hire someone to care for her daughter!" Mithra wanted to say no matter how big the salary they have, if they have a lot of bills to pay, it still won't suffice but then he's sure he'll be fired if he said that so he shuts his mouth instead and gave jiyong a stiff nod.

Mithra could only sigh hearing gummy's pleads and told her he'll be sending her last pay check before quickly ending the call.

Jiyong was doing paperworks when gummy came barging in, crying.

"Mr. Kwon please." She begged.

"Mithra!" Mithra came running and held gummy by her arm but she peeled herself away from him and ran to jiyong, kneeling.

"Sir please. I- I'll work extra hours with no extra pay please. M-my daughter.." she broke in tears sobbing.

"Get out if you don't want to be dragged out." Jiyong was ruthless.

"Please sir! I'm begging you! My daughter was just diagnosed with leukemia a-and—

"I don't care! Did I give her that illness? Am I the father?"

"T-that's cruel." Gummy choked back a sob

"Cruel?" Jiyong scoffed

"I gave you a job and you took it for granted. You could have used your health benefits but sad to say you're no longer an employee." Gummy gaped at jiyong who didn't even spare her a glance

"I took it for granted? I leave my daughter alone from morning to evening! I barely check on her cause I'm buried with paperworks! She's been complaining about her body aching but we couldn't get it checked cause by the time I get out, the doctors are also out. I told her we'll see a doctor by the weekend but she collapsed infront of me! What do you expect me to do?! Take her here?! I was never late! I was never absent and this one time, you fire me?" Gummy was drained with energy. Jiyong sighed in annoyance and threw her a cheque worth ten million won.

"I believe that's more than enough. Don't come back." Gummy clutched the cheque tightly as tears streamed her eyes. Mithra helped her up and lead her out of the company.

"Yes sir?" The reception answered.

"You and the guards are fired!" The receptionist could only stare at the phone in shock. Jiyong called a security agency to replace his fired employees pronto.

It wasn't fair. Gummy was fired just minutes ago and they were not informed about it yet. They only knew when they saw mithra assisting a crying gummy out.


The senior wanted to run and hide when she bumped into jennie who's wearing the same designer dress as her. It was their wash day so they didn't need to where school uniforms.

She involuntarily shivered when jennie glared at her from head to toe.

"Take it off." Jennie calmly stated, crossing her arms.

"W-what?" Her eyes widened from what she was told to do. She only have her under garments beneath the dress so how can she take it off?

"Did I stutter? I said take it off!" Jennie screeched, causing the other students to look their way. The senior was teary eyed knowing the power the Kwons hold

"I-I have my P.E u-unif-form in the locke-

"Now! Take it off now or I will do it for you!" She instinctively backed away and sheilded herself from jennie. Her friends were worriedly looking at her but can't have themselves included in jennie's wrath.

Not only the kwons are rich and powerful but most of the students in the school have their parents somewhat working for the Kwons enterprises so they were warned by their parents not to piss the Kwon's heirs.

"What's going on here?" A teacher came and tried to fix the problem but she was included in jennie's wrath instead.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" Even though the teacher was already scared, she stood her ground, trying to talk out of the situation.

"I know ms. Kwon, but—" jennie turned on her heel, flipping her hair causing the teacher to be slapped by it.

"You know what to do." Jennie walked off and the teacher came to the principal's office crying, handing her resignation letter. It was better to resign than have her teaching license revoked.


"You still having second thoughts about taking the power from them?" The elder park asked his friend who bowed his head in shame. They both heard what happened in the company and at the school. The elder park took care of the fired employees, making sure they can get back on their feet.

"No. But I don't think we should let your daughter—

"Nonsense. Don't worry about her, she can straighten them up." The elder park grinned and pats his friend's back for assurance who was worried for his daughter's sake.

Mr. Kwon excused himself and made a call since there's a lot of work to do to proceed with what they have planned.

The Kwons returned home and had a grand dinner by their personal chef, prepared baths from their maids and slept in comfortable beds unknowingly for the last time in a long time.

"Don't worry dear, we'll step up if it's a life and death situation." Mr. Kwon assured his wife as she worries for her son and grandchildren's welfare.

"Blocking their cards are already a life and death situation for them!" Mr. Kwon only chuckled and shook his head at his wife.

"I mean literally." Mrs. Kwon only sighed but agreed anyway, knowing it's for the best.

✔ Book 1: The Other Miss ParkWhere stories live. Discover now