Other 33

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Hanbin was laying on the grass under the tree when he heard a thud next to him. Opening his eyes, he saw a pair of shoes.

"Do you guys know who's working on my dad's company right now?" He sat up to see a couple of boys, he recognized some as a senior.

Seeing they're not going anywhere, he stood up to leave but paused when he heard his father's name "the almighty Kwon Jiyong is currently training to be a call center agent." The guy continues, laughing.

"So the rumors were true then." The others laughed and hanbin clenched his jaw, proceeding to leave when he was called out.

"Ya kwon, clean my shoe and I'll tell my dad to pass your father." Hanbin snickered and turned to the boys

"Oooh. Look at those eyes dude." One chuckled

"Go on. I want it spotless." He kicked the shoe closer to hanbin but hanbin just smirked then stepped on the shoe

"Ya what are you doing?!"

"Tell your father he should secure his position, cause my father can take it any second and who knows how lower you can get?" Enraged, the senior punched hanbin.

Spitting up some blood, hanbin fought back but was quickly outnumbered. Again. This time, there was no hayi that will intervene.

"Yaaaaaa!" He suddenly hear a war cry as he busily held his arms up to block his face from their kicks.

Chanwoo jumped on the back of one senior while june kept making bruce lee noises, throwing punch and kicks aimlessly.

The guards soon showed up with yunhyeong tailing behind making all involved end up in the principal's office.

Minzy stared at the kids infront of her and calmly asked them what happened then they all started talking atvthe same time while hanbin just kept quiet wondering why these boys helped him.

"One at a time!" Minzy banged a book on the table to stop them from talking.

"Yunhyeong-ssi." Minzy eyed the only boy without a bruise

"We were heading to the field to play soccer and saw him under the tree sleeping when this group came and threw a pair of shoes next to him. He got up to leave and then they said something and then baaam! He threw a punch and then boogsh! He fought back! Then pook paaak wham! He was being surrounded so I ran to call the anyone that can help so I called the guards while june and chanwoo helped him." He answered with enthusiasm, even showing a demo, replaying the scene.

"Ok... thank you." Minzy cleared her throat and turned to the others.

"Is that true?" The five denied and said it was hanbin who threw the punch first.

"Hanbin?" Minzy question habin

"What's the point? It's five against six. You'll believe the majority." Minzy sighed and leaned back

"No. I'll believe the truth. So I want you to answer me, is what Yunhyeong said true?" Pursing his lips, hanbin nodded

The senior stood up from his chair and pointed at minzy "you're being bias! You're going to be on his side cause he's a Kwon! Well giess what? They're penniless!" Minzy glared at the boy and turned to her computer

"I asked for your side, and I asked his. Did I tell you the verdict? You are in an elite school, you think it's because it's in the fields we won't have cctvs? Sure we don't. But the ones we have on the halls can monitor up to the other end of the school. You can zoom it, and it will still be very clear. I'll take his side not because he's a kwon, I'm taking his side cause he's telling the truth." Minzy showed turned her monitor towards the students and played what the cctv have captured and it was clear as day on who punched first.

"Kwon or not, a beggar or owner of the whole universe, I don't care. If you did something that are against the law of this school, you will be punished accordingly." The senior and his friends were suspended for a week while hanbin and the rest except Yunhyeong will serve detention for three days after school.

Taking a wad of cash from his wallet, hanbin handed it towards the trio.

"I know it's not enough... we're currently having financial problems right now an-

"Thank you." Hanbin looked up to chanwoo

"A thank you will be more than enough. Not everything needs to be paid quite literally you know." Hanbin bkinked.

"It's ok dude, you said so yourself, you're family's having a hard time right now. You need to know where how to spend your money wisely." June grins and threw an arm over his shoulder. Shocking him once again.

"Ya. Are you close?" Yunhyeong scolded june and pulled hanbin.

"Sorry about him... Anyway. You know, you're so cool. I cook by the way, I'm going to pack your lunch from now on ok! I swear! It's a hundred percent better than the cafeteria food. You see those two gaining weight? It's because of my delicious food.."

"Yah! What weight gain?!" The two giants put Yunhyeong on a choke hold.

Staring at the friends infront of him, he was reminded by hayi and her friends. With that in mind, he thinks maybe they can be his. Putting his pride aside, he gathered the courage and said something he never thought of saying.

"Thank you." The trio stopped goofing around and stared at hanbin with wide eyes.

"Thanks for what you did back there." Hanbin repeated, scratching his nape and awkwardly smiled when june suddenly put an arm around his shoulder making him stumble a bit

"Don't smile like that infront of chaeyoungie ok? That chipmunk easily falls for guys with nice smiles. It's not that you're bad but I'm just looking out for her." He rambles

"Aren't you two together?" Hanbin furrowed his brows

"No. What? Me? Her? No way." June awkwardly chuckled and the twin monsters snorted

"He's slow/in denial" They said at the same time and hanbin nodded, chuckling.

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