Other 29

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Jennie held on tightly to her hermes clutch, unwilling  to let go of the last item they have on sale.

"Can you let go? I paid for it already." The buyer said through gritted teeth, smiling as she tried to pry the bag from her but jennie won't budge.

"Sorry, she just loved it so much you know?" Hayi smiled and fought to unclasp jennie's hand, and after several attemtps, was finally able to let the bag go. Jennie followed the buyer with her gaze, a pout on her lips. Unshed tears threatening to fall.

"Alright, I'll be getting this." Dara took the exact amount jiyong borrowed from her and just as they excpected, with the high class things they have, they were able t gaher quite a sum, plus they were able to sell the limited edition stuff much more than its worth, but not too much since it's already secondhand.

"It's barely enough to get your status back, at least it could cover the expenses you'll need for months, depends on how you handle your money, it might be enough til you get back on your feet." dara pulled on her coat and flipped her hair that got caught on it.

The kwons stared at their money with a frown, what they have might be able to cover their expenses for two to three weeks, but months? that's a stretch.

"I can't believe this is all I have for my clothes! This isn't even half the worth my things were!!" Jennie shrieked.

"What do you mean by months? with our cafeteria food alone, this money can barely fit the whole month." Hanbin grumbled. Unlike Hayi and Mino's school, lunches are already paid, they just need to present their id. The kwon's school cafeteria however is like a 5-star restaurant that serves expensive meals and not have any fixed rate cause it depends on the cuisine being served.

"Then bring a packed lunch." The kwons gaped at dara

"A packed lunch? Are you kidding?" Jiyong uttered in disbelief

"Is it funny?" Dara rolled her eyes, "Well, you can always find a job so you don't have to worry about running out of money for cafeteria food." Dara hunched up her shoulders and tok some money out, handing it to mino.

"You have the list?" dara asked hayi who nodded, tapping her pocket.

"Take the twins with you, Kwon, get in the car."

"Whyyy? We can do it alone, *imo." (*Aunt)

"Take us where?" Hanbin furrowed hs brows

"Grocery shopping, besides, you need to go visit a thrift shop right? since you sold most of your clothes?" Dara unlocked her car and got in

"How will we fit the car? dad's infront and three people can fit at the back, and there's still four of us?!" Jennie whined but dara already started the car when jiyong got in.

"Who says you're riding my car? You're taking the bus." Before any of the twins could react, dara stepped on the gas, leaving the twins dumbfounded.


"You can alays tell me if you wanted me alone." Jiyong grinned

"Missed getting kicked out of the car, Kwon? wanna experience it in a highway?" Jiyong paled, knowing how unpredictable dara can be.

"I was just joking sheesh." He says, clutching on his seatbelt.

"Jokes are supposed to make people laugh Kwon, not want to beat people up." Jiyong scoffed, "Can you stop calling me kwon? I have a name, Park."

"Ditto." Dara replied boredly making jiyong shift on his seat to look at her.

"I don't get you." Dara spared him a glance before focusing back to the road.

"Why aren't you taken by me? I may not be that handsome but I'm oozing with charisma, I mean, even married women wants a piece of me." Dara swerved the car, parking at the side of the road, removed her seatbelt and leaned towards jiyong, as dara's face inched closer and closer to his, jiyong smirked and closed his eyes in anticipation.

"Were should I start chopping you then?" Jiyong snapped his eyes open when he suddenlty felt fear for his life then he heard a click, his seatbelt coming undone and dara snickered, getting off the car.

He exhaled the air he was holding, "Wah! Aish, that woman is witch!" he can still feel the chills of being scared running up his spine.

"*Ya! anga?" Dara asked, kicking his side of the door, making him jolt in surpise. (*Hey! Not going?)

"I'm going, I'm going." he muttered, getting off the car.

"You have such a temper for a small woman." Jiyong grumbled under his breath, "Where are we anyway?" He looked around but he's not familiar with the place

Dara crossed her arms and tilted her head at him, "Do you want a job?"

He looked around and pointed down, "Here?"

"Why? Do you have anywhere else you qualify for? Your company's one of the pioneers in the business world and you have a lot of connections but right now you're currently blacklisted with almost, if not all, among those companies, thinking what grave thing you must have done for you to be kicked out from your position? Not even your friends can offer to take you in."

"First of all, how do you know I'm blacklisted? Second, I did nothing wrong except being unable to close a deal and lastly, It's a rule among our friends not to have each other as colleagues nor business partners!" Knowing how business works, it could put a taint on their friendship.

"Whatever, the bottom line is, you want a job or what?"

"Is this a joke? This isn't even half of what I pay my emp-" Dara clamped on jiyong's mouth as she smiled at her good friend

"Sorry, I'll just take him somewhere else." dara pulled jiyong up and released him outside

"What was that?!" Dara glared

"A complaint! How can they pay me that low when I'm even over qualified?!" dara huffed in annoyance and moved closer to jiyong

"Where are you Kwon? You are far from the world you grew in, this, is what a minimum-wage earner looks like, this is what the majority is getting. That offer they gave you? There's already an additional on that for the experience you have and that salary? It is enough to provide for your family. Take a cab home and search for a job yourself, we'll see if other companies that can take you, top what they offered you." dara bumped to his shoulders and went to her car, driving home. Leaving jiyong and his prideful self alone in a place he does not recognize.

✔ Book 1: The Other Miss ParkWhere stories live. Discover now