Other 49

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Dedicated to: ulaaan_amphi & Mystartemis,
I see you guys in most, if not all, of my stories. Thank You


The kids quickly moved jiyong and dara apart when they could literally see jiyong's soul getting sucked out from his body. Dara's students were shocked to see their teacher like that. They never thought she could have such murderous intent with that fragile look of hers.

"What did you do to awaken her demoness side?" Mino curiously asked jiyong who clumped his mouth shut when dara glared at him, daring him to reveal why. She's already dressed when she chased jiyong out which is also why jiyong managed to run away from her. If he hadn't, he could be a corpse already with with suicide as a cover up from being drowned in the tub and they wouldn't know. He shuddered at the thought.

"Isn't it because he let us drink?" Chanwoo asked. Anyone outside of their family would think that

"Let me go, I'm not really going to kill him you know?" Jiyong scowled and touched his neck "You're not? I could literally feel my breath getting cut off."

"I'm not stupid to kill someone with this much witnesses and when I do you won't feel like dying cause you'll be dead before you know it!" Dara snapped and chaeyoung coughed, holding on to june unconsciously and only did dara remember the party didn't only involve their close family tiers who are not used to her not so empty threats. She blushed laughed awkwardly and quickly added "Just kidding! It's just a joke, as if I can really kill hehe."

"Anyway, on a serious note, you all did this" Dara motioned to the mess around her

"So why don't you slowly clean it up." Cue the whines.

"I'm still not feeling well." Jennie grumbled, holding her stomach, crouching and a buzz of agreement can be heard

"Come to think of it, it's not really my fault so I shuoldn't be held accountable for this. I literally just took a sip and became that wasted so who made the drink should be the one to clean." Hayi pointedly looked at her brother and the rest murmurs their agreement.

"No one forced you to drink. We could have had liquors for ourselves but you guys were the ones insisting on drinking." Yoon rebuts

"Technically we weren't allowed to but someone gave us permission." Hanbin says and they all turned to jiyong who scoffed

"Ya! I only gave you permission because it's your birthday!" Jiyong argues

"It is our birthday! So we're going now, bye" Jennie dashed out and hanbin quickly followed

"Hey! No fair!" Hayi ran after the twins

"Hayi get back here! You might kiss again! You think I forgot about that?" Mino scolds, going after his sister

"Kiss? Ooooh gossip" Yoon, hoony and Jinu zoomed after mino

"We're invited as guests so I believe we're exempted?" Lisa grins and they all ran back to their rooms, avoiding the chore.

Jiyong  stood up to leave when he felt something hard on his nape. "Going somewhere, Kwon?" Jiyong slowy turned his head to look at dara who sat on the couch, legs crossed, bat pointing at jiyong.

"I-I'm gonna take a trash bag!" Jiyong pouts and went to the kitchen where the trash bags are. He carefully looked back and saw dara swinging the bat with her eyes on him. Not having a choice, jiyong grumbled with his brows connected as he clean up the mess.

"I'm gonna sue you" He mutters under his breath

"What? I didn't hear that?" Dara made the bat like a rifle and playfully aimed it at jiyong.

"I said you should go take a rest." jiyong says loud enough for dara to hear. He can't understand why he's scared of the woman when he's not even scared of his mom.

"No this is me looking after you which is what you were supposed to do with the kids last night. It's called supervising to make sure everything's right." jiyong turned his back on dara and mocked her

"I can see your reflection idiot." Jiyong froze and looked up to see the TV screen infront of him. He then turns to dara with a boyish smile and dara scoffs "Like hell I'll help you."

"But I won't be done cleaning til tomorrow!!" Jiyong whines, the place looked like a tornado had landed on it and it's a huge place

"Not my problem and I need to cook hangover soup for those kids." Just as dara was about to go to the kitchen, the maids returned bringing a lot of raw ingredients and immediately took the trash bag out of jiyong's hand much to his delight.

"We had to go out to buy some ingredients since they ransacked the place last night and ate all the food." The maid explained to dara when she asked them where they've been.

"I see. I'm really sorry for this. But don't worry, Jiyong's gonna help you clean it all up! In fact, you can focus with the cooking seeing there's a lot you need to prepare and he will continue with the cleaning he already started." Dara grins and jiyong was taken aback with her calling his name like that but quickly snapped out of it when the maid handed him the bag back

"B-but-" Jiyong was about to protest but dara just smirked and motioned for him to continue what he was doing before the maids came back.

"Ya! This is not fair!" Jiyong whines

"Do I look like I care?" Dara smiled in a sarcastic manner "now move if you don't wanna clean all day."

"You do it then." Jiyong threw the bag infront of dara with some force and dara slowly looked at it then back up at him

"You're not the boss of me." Jiyong scowls, not afraid anymore. Who does she think she is?!

"YA!! I'm going to suffocate in here!" Jiyong yells inside the trash bag, how he got there, he has no idea. He was turning his back from dara andnext thing you know pitch black.

"I'm just helping you taking out trash." Dara snickers.

✔ Book 1: The Other Miss ParkWhere stories live. Discover now