Other 20

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Dedicated to: GwenSoonHoonPark


"Here, this is the only cash I have here with me for now." Jiyong gave the twins a hundred each and they stared at it like it's the first time they held cash. Well, it technically is since they've used cards ever since they were entrusted with their own money.

"I'm going to pick you up later." The twins' face immediately lit up from what they heard

"Really?" Jiyong just gave them a nod as he busied with his phone. Still trying to get a hold of his ex-wife. The twins beamed and went inside the school with their happy mood, ignoring the whispers and looks that came their way.

Countless rumors have spread within the span of hours. One of which that got some of the students abuzz, like the Kwons are now penniless, and that they were found begging for money.

The rumors didn't only spread throughout their school, even dara's school is a buzz about the Kwon corp going bankrupt which made her choke on her drink. A dreadful feeling came across and she prays it's just hoax. For the first time, she wants to hurry and go to the private school to make sure the twins are still their usual snob selves.

Dara almost sighed in relief when the twins remained seated when she arrived while the others stood to greet her. She raised her brow at them but neither moved to get up.

"They're not sitting if you won't stand up." Dara threatens and a chorus of groans can be heard. That is something that has happened before but not what happens next.

"Yah, why are you still acting high up? I'll give you fifty bucks if you both do as you're told." One of the boys kicked hanbin's chair causing it jerk forward.

"Yeah jennie, I'll give you a hundred for your shoe." One of the girls say and some snickered.

"Yah!" Lisa hissed at some of her classmates. She can't believe the way they're acting right now.

Jennie snickered and stood up rashly, scraping the chair and causing it to topple back and hanbin followed suit. "A hundred? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you know how much these shoes are? I guess not."

"ENOUGH! What am I? A decoration?!" Dara scolded before a fight can break in

"SIT DOWN!" She huffed and proceeded to start her lecture. The twins both wore grumpy expressions as hanbin put Jennie's chair back up.


"Why can't we stay in your mansion?! You have so many rooms to spare!" Jiyong whined at one of his best friends who's the only one he can run to cause youngbae is still staying with his parents, seungri's house isn't an ideal place for his kids, and he can't stand Daesung's Doraemon house. So he can only turn to Top.

"I told you ji, I already sold the mansion. I told you that like months ago. I even tried to sell it to you." Jiyong had forgotten about that.

"How about your place now?" Seunghyun only shook his head and cringed

"Sorry ji. As much as I want to help you, my wife isn't exactly fond of your kids. Trust me, you don't want to see her in her Bominator mode." Seunghyun shuddered at the thought.

"I can help you financially though if you need to." But jiyong's too proud to borrow money. That is something he will never ever do even if it's for his children.

"No, I'm good." Seunghyun shook his head at his friend and downed the scotch he's holding.

"You want me to call a driver for you?" He eyed jiyong's third glass warily. Although jiyong's a heavy drinker, it doesn't really matter. He's driving so he should not be drinking at all.

"Don't be such a worrywart, I can handle myself."


The school is almost empty as Dara made her way out of it. She started her engine and start to back her car but slowed down when she got out of the gate to find the Twins sitting on the side.

She rolled down her windows and honked at them making them look at her.

"Come on get in. It's getting late." The twins contmplated but got in anyway.

"Where to?" Jennie wiped a tear and it didn't escape dara's eyes as she looked at them through the rearview mirror. Hanbin told her the address and she pursed her lips.

"Why are you going to a hotel? Is your father there?" Dara asked cause the dreadful feeling still hasn't left her.

"None of your damn business!" Jennie scoffs and dara hit the breaks

"Well it is if I'm giving you a ride there." She says, looking back at them on her backseat. Jennie was going to retort when she recieved a phone call and answered it, getting out of the car to listen carfully.

"WHAT?!" Dara can't believe what she's hearing. She gripped her phone and cussed inside her head several times. She should have known than to trust her old man!

Dara wordlessly drove the twins to the hotel and dropped them off before speeding herself to the police station. She had a hunch on what might the elder park meant when she heard the rumors about the Kwons but this call just closed the deal.

"Seriously? Drinking and driving? What are you? Ten?!" Jiyong just rolled his eyes at her and scratched his ear

"I'm not even tipsy." He grumbled

"Then you shouldn't have ran over the speeding limit! Or better yet, hired a driver!" He got caught for speeding and the officer smelled alcohol on his so they checked his Blood Alcohol Content by letting him breathe to a breathalyzer which gave a result of 0.05% hence why he got pulled to the police station and git his license suspended for three months.

"Whatever. Can we go now?" I just stared at him in disbelief then groaned. Why does it have to be me?! JUST WHY?!!

"So you're kicked out of your house that's why you're in a hotel which will also likely kick you out tomorrow cause you don't have money to pay for it?!" Jiyong's brows furrowed deeper and deeper as dara repeated what he just told her

"Are you deaf? Do you have trouble with comprehending?!" He annoyingly scratched his ear.

"Shut up. I am this close to kicking you out of a moving car." Dara says through gritted teeth but Jiyong wasn't scared.

"Don't you have friends? Why did you call me?" Dara grudgingly asked

"Not like I want to. You're the last option." Dara scoffed hearing that and to avenge herself, while the Kwon opened the door to get out when they arrived, she kicked his butt, making him fall to the ground. She quickly reached to shut her door and drove back to her house with the stupic Kwon yelling curses at her.

✔ Book 1: The Other Miss ParkWhere stories live. Discover now