Other 27

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Dedicated to: zhaliafayne, DeeBeeAey & EevilEynjehl


"Another Royal Flush for Kwon Jiyong! Man are you on a roll! Winner takes all!" Jiyong grinned from ear to ear as they gave a duffel bag with a whole lot of cash, more than enought to pay Dara and for them to live by.

"I told you I'll pay you double." He smirked over to dara who threw her book away and removed her hair from the ponytail, shaking her head side to side.

"I'll give you a reward you deserve then Mr. Kwon." She smirks, strutting towards him, taking off her glasses and wrapped her hands around his nape. Jiyong grinned and dropped the bag, pulling close, ready to taste her luscious lips as he raised one of her legs around his waist.

Jiyong woke up with a wide grin on his face, humming as he went to the shower before anyone else cause he needs to calm down his morning wood. He doesn't remember when he last had a wet dream. It was vivid too!

"What, Kwon?" Dara was weirded out when jiyong keeps on taking glances at her and then chuckling to himself as they ate breakfast, good thing the kids weren't there as they would rather sleep in than eat.

"Nothing.. Oh! Will I recieve a reward if I fulfilled my promise?" Dara slowly chewed on her meal and jiyong continued, "if I get to pay you back double within the week?"

"Suuureee.." Dara dragged the word and raised a brow when jiyong started to hum, smiling as he danced a bit on his chair. Dara titled her head, observing the obviously deranged Kwon. Has he gone nuts now that he had money?

Seeing the kids coming out of their room, dara hurried on eating and stood up to quickly clean up her dish and brush her teeth.

"Here's your allowance for now, I'll give you more tomorrow." Jiyong distributed twenty thousand won each to the twins. He found fifty thousand won on the pockets of his bag. He'll use the ten thousand won for his transportation.

"Where'd you get the money?" Hanbin asked his father and looked at dara

"I found some bills hidden on the pockets of my bags, you better check yours thoroughly." Dara wanted to question him but shrugged it off.

"Don't you dare make another mess, Kwon." Dara warned before she walks out of the door

"Oh don't worry, I'm going somewhere today." and dara has a bad feeling where that somewhere may be. Oh who was she kidding. Of course she knows where he'll go. There's nowhere else you may be able to double the money you have in a short amount of time.

"Remember what that money is for Kwon." She warns again.

"Yeah yeah. You'll have enough to pay your bills and in time don't worry." Dara squinted her eyes at him but he just smiled at her. She rolled her eyes and left to where the kids are waiting. Because of almost beng late, the twins got off by the gate and ran inside the campus.

"You're welcome." Hayi drwaled as they drove away.

"They'll learn sooner or later." Dara optimistically said

"Or never." she glared at hayi through the rearview mirror making her niece chuckle.

"That means you're not doing good as roommates then."

"They're not used to opening up." Mino comments

"True. Aside from their bratty remarks, they're silent." Hayi agrees.

"And that is why I gave you the room assignments. It might be awkward at first, but you guys know better so you can approach them first, but only if you are genuine. I don't want it to seem forced." The last thing dara wants the twins to feel is as if hayi and mino are only doing as they are told.


The thing about gambling is, people who got a taste of winning don't seem to know how to stop. Greed takes over and all rational thoughts flies out the window with the thought of having more and more and that's what's currently happening to jiyong, He was on a roll, his million tripled but he didn't stop there.

He was feeling high with the straight wins and got greedy, he was confident he'll win again when he placed all his money expecting it to double again. "Yah, are you sure? You already triple the million you borrowed." Top looked at his friend in concern

"And I'll have more, Just watch and learn choi." He smirks.

"You were bluffing weren't you? I have a full house!" Jiyong was ready to take his win when his opponent laughed in glee

"Straight flush!" He says, showing all his cards and jiyong plaed on his seat.

"What?! That can't be! He's cheating!" And that was the start of a brawl.

"Aish! I can't believe you have us banned!" Top raked his hair, shaking his head

"I'm dead." was the only thing jiyong could say.

"Hyung! You think you can lend me Three million?"

"I'm sorrY ji, I'm a family man now and my wife's monitoring my money. She'll let you borrow but she'll find out what happened. women's inticts are scary dude, and I'll be buried alive with you." jiyong groaned.

The twins on the other hand, knowing they are having trouble with money lately, held on to their father's words so instead of being frugal with the money they were given, just to show the people they weren't bankrupt as the rumors say. They used the money to pay one pricey meal and even treated everyone with a drink just to prove a point and now they are penniless. Not even a cent in their pockets.


When dara found jiyong cleaning the house like a mad man with mino and hayi watching him from the couch with a popcorn on their hands, she knows the worst case scenario had happened.

"What's going on?" The twins gathered behind dara since she hasn't moved an inch after getting inside the house.

"He was already cleaning like that when we got here." Mino says.

"KWON JIYONG! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE MONEY?!" Jiyong was quick to kneel infront of dara, hands raised, eyes closed shut, Top was right. Women's instinct are scary.

✔ Book 1: The Other Miss ParkWhere stories live. Discover now