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The sounds of birds beginning to chirp outside her window gave it away that daybreak was not too far and yet she hadn't slept at all after Jungkook had left her dorm the night before. Not even a warm glass of milk with a little honey could ease her relationship woes as she sat on the now cold sofa.
Slowly she turned to look at the spot he had occupied earlier in the evening, the spot where everything slowly turned to custard for her as she listened to her boyfriend speak ever so fondly of another woman. Not just any woman; HIS woman, HIS IU. Feeling her emotions beginning to rise again she stood and slowly made her way to the kitchen to place the now empty glass in the sink and with a heavy heart she made her way to her bedroom hoping sleep would claim her broken senses.

Minutes turned into hours as she layed on her bed not even bothering to cover herself with a blanket. Warmth from a blanket was not the comfort she sought, but rather she longed for the arms of her beloved tightly holding her close to him as he spoons her from behind, his hot breath leaving traces of love on her sensitive skin as he exhales softly, his head tucked tightly against her back. The way he would say goodnight; with a few kisses to her neck and more behind her ear before slowly drifting into dreamland making Lisa's lips curl with a smile as she waits for his soft snores to lullaby her to sleep.

Lisa couldn't help but feel that after Jungkooks visit, there was an invisible shift in their relationship, and she felt it deep within her core that things were going not going to be good for either of them. She knew how attached and somewhat possessive he could be of her especially around other male idols, keeping their relationship secret was not an easy task. There would always be more than a few heads turning whenever Lisa walked by Boy groups at awards shows but she never gave it much thought because she didn't think of herself as pretty or beautiful; she was just Lisa but he would always tell her how beautiful she was whenever they were together.

Lisa felt a slither of the warm sun on her face and her sad gaze wandered to the curtain staring at nothing in particular. She watched as a soft morning breeze pushed the thin lace curtains to dance, and she closed her eyes and casted her mind back to the first time she saw him and how she had almost immediately fallen for his bunny like smile. It was during their live performance at the Asian Artist Awards in 2016 when BTS made their way to their front row seats and there he sat with his hands clasped close to his chest smiling like a boy on Christmas morning about to unwrap a much wanted gift.

Lisa remembered the first time they said I love you to each other and how they couldn't speak for almost an hour as their shyness took hold of their senses and all functioning brain activity. The stolen glances at awards shows they used to praise or congratulate the other for wins or nominations only to celebrate for real with their group members later that evening with a good feed and happy laughter.

Everything up until recently was fine and she was blissfully unaware that she would be soon contemplating having a break from her relationship with Jungkook, but she was tired of being in a three way relationship with him and his obsession for his woman. It goes without saying that Lisa fell so deeply for him that at first she was blinded to his obsession with IU, and it wasn't until she saw a fan made video of Jungkook & IU and how they made the ultimate perfect couple that she felt a sense of worry. Lisa tried to shrug it off but the seeds of doubt and jealousy had already been planted and she found herself watching a few more of these videos. It was at this point that she noticed he spoke of her quite often and wondered why hadn't she noticed early on. Would she have accepted him and his feelings if she had known about IU before becoming a couple? The only thing she was certain of was that she needed a break because this was her first real relationship and she didn't know how to deal with such overwhelming emotions of love and jealousy. Lisa was not emotionally equipped to deal with affairs of the heart and had never been a jealous person, she would rather surround herself with people who didn't speak of their crush as though they were part of their relationship.

With a slightly more lighter load off her shoulders she crawled under the blankets and welcomed the darkness it offered, but not until sneaking out a hand to promptly shut down her phone, she didn't need any interruption to the darkness she sought from her blankets.

As she felt herself slowly sinking deeper into slumber her closing thoughts were of a young man with a warm bunny smile and how soon she was going to be the cause of its absence once she puts forward her request for a break.

They both were not ready for what was going to happen. At all.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now