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Jungkook had locked himself in his room after the events from the evening before unable to face his members; especially Yoongi.  Jimin was kind enough to have sat with him in his room for a few hours after everyone had long retired for the night, and he was grateful for the ear of his hyung who sat and listened when he spoke and stayed silent by his side when Jungkook was too upset to speak.

Dawn was just breaking outside his window and the quiet chirping of birds outside were slowly making their presence known as the sun crept like an invisible glove over the shadows of the city buildings, leaving a blanket of subtle dawn light.

He saw a young boy riding past their building on his faded yellow bike with the rusty wire basket hanging off the handle bars tossing rolls of newspaper over the gates of his neighbours not bothering to stop as he sped past each home until he disappeared around the corner.

None of what he saw outside could stir him to move until he heard the flushing of the toilet; somebody was awake and he knew it wouldn't be long before one of the boys would knock on his door alerting him to breakfast. Usually if he didn't reply they would leave him leftovers in the oven, but he wasn't sure that would happen given what had happened.

He wasn't hungry, nor was he in the mood to sit around the table in an awkward silence waiting for someone to break the ice with questions about him and Iu or worse, ask about Lisa's condition, because he didn't know.

He didn't know she was sick with pneumonia, and he certainly wasn't aware that she was hospitalised because of it. The few times Lisa had been sick, Jungkook was able to look after her and do things to make her feel a little more comfortable, like rubbing her back as she laid against his chest, her flushed cheeks giving away that despite her protests, she was sick and not just merely resting with a cold.

He couldn't do any of that now, and there was no way she was ever going to let him near her again. If not Lisa herself, then Jisoo would not think twice about rolling out with a fully armoured tank if he so much as turned up at their door.

He had screwed up, he knew that.

Just like he knew that Lisa's text was forever etched into his broken heart,

"I hope the kiss you shared with her was worth it."

It was short and straight to the point, no mincing words with niceties or drawn out paragraphs dissecting the whys of the situation. That was his Lisa, only she wasn't his anymore.

Turning his back to the window he padded across the small room and sat on his mattress drawing the heavy blanket aside before crawling inside, yanking the blanket over his head. He felt a lump of softness digging into his side and sighing with frustration he pulled out the offending item.

It was a large honey coloured Bear with equally large dark round eyes and an unassuming smile permanently sewn onto his face, and it smelt like her.

It was one of Lisa's Bears that she had left behind after a movie night sleepover a few weeks before. She couldn't sleep without holding onto something and before everything happened, she had replaced her Bear with him saying he was far more warmer, cuter and a great cuddler.

Shoving the blanket aside to sit up Jungkook placed the Bear in his lap, the inanimate fluffy object seemingly appeared to give him a look of unapologetic disdain for the obvious absence of it's owner. Lightly yanking on a honey coloured ear he smiled sadly as he remembered feeling superior to the stuffed toy when Lisa had replaced it with himself.

Lifting the Bear to his nose his heart tugs heavily when his nostrils are invaded with the unmistakable fragrance of Vanilla and Lavender; the remnants of her favourite shampoo and moisturiser. He used to tease her for having made his bedsheets smell far too feminine for his liking, only to revel in the lingering fragrances on his bedsheets when she would return to her own dorm.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now