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Jungkook held his phone in tight grip as his eyes kept roaming over her words.

"It looks like a big mess but I am sure it will calm down soon Jungkook-ssi"

"Maybe it is not a bad thing?"

"I'm sorry please ignore that last message!"

"Maybe we can meet soon and see if there is anything we can do?"

"Please message me when you can"

"I look forward to hearing from you :)"

Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought about the possibility of having any form of contact with her; yet there was the proof laid out before him in multiple messages. Iu was the type of woman one would see sitting at the very top of a Christmas tree in replacement of the star, a woman so refined whose beauty would be on the highest of all pedestal made of diamonds and gold, deserving of her goddess like aura. He had long thought that her light shone brighter than any star on any Christmas tree and far more captivating. His heart does somersaults everytime his eyes skims over her words, often reading the lines a few times over after realising that he was in hell; an emotional turmoil hell to be exact.

Not only had Lisa broke up with him but she had given him unspoken permission of sorts, to pursue Iu. He couldn't understand why she was pushing him to her and why she found his admiration of Iu to be anything other than that; he simply admired her vocals and her acting ability.

Jungkook became upset feeling wronged that Lisa had broken up with him when clearly she was already moving on herself. Since when did she and JB become close enough for her to call him oppa? Was it Bam? Did he introduce them?, he thought to himself. He didn't like the way the older male had placed a hand to Lisas lower back, as if they had familiarity, guiding her out of the cafe, away from him and for that, Jungkook grew to dislike him. The jealousy he tried to contain when other male idols, or men in general were around Lisa did not make things any easier for him.

Laying back Jungkook closed his eyes against the noise outside his door. He could hear the others in the kitchen burning what would be their dinner. The loud booming of Jins voice did little to ease his thoughts, there was no distraction loud enough to block the running images inside his head. Behind his closed eyes he sees Lisa in tears, their fight in the parking lot before JB drove her away from him and then to have Jisoo leave an imprint of her fingers on his cheek.

He didn't want to hurt Lisa, he never liked seeing her anything but happy with her Barbielike smile and infectious laughter brightening up the room like a Lighthouse in a dark angry storm guiding him to the light that is her. Except she is no longer his light because she left him alone in an empty car park, and as hurt as he was he couldn't help but feel resentful.

After a week of ignoring his calls and texts she wants to meet him only to break up, without even discussing it with him. She had made the decision herself.

Jungkook heard the fire alarm in the kitchen sound followed a few seconds later by running footsteps, loud voices and running water, a sign that he was going to have to order something in. Lisa liked to plonk herself in the largest sofa before ordering a few pizzas for himself and his hyungs before throwing on a few of her favourite Disney movies.

The memory made him feel nostalgic as he thought about the first time Yoongi had to sit through his first Disney marathon watching Tangled, Frozen and Snow White. Yoongi tried his best to grumble through the first hour of Lisa and Jins incessant loud karaoke singing before giving up and rewarding Lisa with a gummy smile as he sat back to watch Lisa and Jin sing above each other. Yoongi wasn't going to forgive him anytime soon for hurting Lisa, and he didn't blame him.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now