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He could feel himself falling deeper into the realm of his dream when he saw her again. She was standing at her bedroom balcony, had her back to him, her shoulders shaking and he could feel an overwhelming sadness roll off her body and slam into him with an invisible force.

He was plastered against the wall, unable to move as her sadness strangles him, and he is unable to breath or scream as her sobbing reaches his ears.

The strength of her emotions weakens his knees and he falls to the ground. Tiny bits of plastic cut through his jeans as tiny shards of glass break his skin staining his jeans with dark crimson spots.

He looks around him to see remnants of a shattered phone laying aimlessly about his knees. He knew it was hers, he knew the model and the colour of the case. He had bought her the cover for her phone as an early birthday gift. It had tiny unicorns and bunnies printed on the back with tiny coloured rainbow stickers on each corner.

He stood and hissed as he wiped the cut denim at his knees, the slight pain from the cuts was beginning to sting, but it could not match the sting in his heart when he saw the newspaper with himself and IU kissing.

He could feel his heart wrenching at the pain Lisa must have felt when she saw the photograph, and it worsened when he saw the necklace laying on top.

She had taken off the one thing she said she couldn't live without. It was sitting cold and unused, the shine it once had when it was around her neck long gone and all that was left was a dull piece of silver.

He dragged his eyes away from the broken pieces of phone and abandoned necklace. They looked at him with a cold disdain and he knew why, he could hear it in the way Lisa cried and in the rigid posture of her back.

"Lisa....." he whispered, his breath catching.

He took a step closer, "Lisa...."

"Stay away from me Jungkook..." she cried just above a whisper.

"I was right there in front of you..." her shoulders shaking with every word.

"You never saw me..." her voice begins to disappear into the night.

"I did baby, I did. I saw you everytime, I swear I did Lisa." he became unhinged when Lisa turned, her face began to look oddly translucent.

"Did you really?" she was fading before him, her words becoming quieter and fainter.

"Yes, please...stay with me Lisa...please."

"I am so sorry Lisa..." he begins to sob, his tears falling in streams but he is powerless to move as her lower body fades before him.

"No no no no no, I said I'm sorry..." desperation etched into his eyes, his breathing is laboured and her upper body follows suit.

"Lisaaaa..." his voice is strangled, his throat feels constricted and he can't breath as his body begins to shake violently as her face becomes translucent and drifts into the darkness until she is completely gone.

The last thing he saw was the intense sadness in Lisa's eyes as he felt the pain rip into his chest.


Jungkooks eyes fly open, his breathing laboured and stares blankly into the frightened eyes of Yoongi whose hands were on his shoulders, having tried to shake the young man awake.

He could see the worried features of Jimin standing beside Yoongi and RM who stood frozen at the foot of his bed.

"Hey Kook, it's ok. It was a dream. Just a bad dream." he knew Jimin was just trying to be helpful but he didn't want their pity.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now