Journal (R18)

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Lisa could feel the sweat rolling off her brows, her bangs glued to her forehead, a result of having practised her part of the dance routine for well over 2 hours. The blindfold she wore clung saturated to her skin like a fitted leather glove.

Her ragged breathing was the only sound in the studio, the music had stopped playing minutes before she dropped to the floor. Her legs were exhausted and her body spent but her mind was on full alert as she recounted the routine in her mind.

It had taken several tries but they eventually found themselves getting better at navigating around each other as Lisa had no choice but to trust her instincts, especially if she didn't want to injure herself or JB.

It was likely that she would end up with a broken limb, but she had very well to avoid any injuries.

As the weeks passed she her confidence grew and she surprised both of them when she began to trust her own body a lot more, particularly paying attention to how it moved.

As a dancer, her mind was constantly thinking of ways in which she could accommodate her motions to move in sync with notes in the song. She found that it forced them to trust and rely on each other for support, trusting that the other would know the next move without thinking, making their dance effortlessly fluid.

JB had been a great source of encouragement and behind her dark closed eyes she smiled at the unexpected friendship that had resulted from before her breakup with Jungkook.

He had seen her at her worst, when she was heart broken and felt like fate and love was working against her.

JB was always in front of her drying her tears, or holding her tight when she felt too weak to stand when crying had became physically taxing.

She remembered how she woke one morning to find him holding her while she slept. It was when she couldn't find the peace she needed to sleep without dreaming about Jungkook the night she had smashed her phone after seeing the newspaper.

And when Lisa felt like something was missing from their dance arrangement, JB was the one who suggested a blindfold and at first she didn't like the idea because it was something she had never tried before and the idea seemed crazy.

She had never pegged herself to be someone who was afraid of trying something new, because she was the complete opposite. She never turned away a good challenge.

Lisa had always delved into new ventures head first, consequences was something she thought about after she did something her common sense had long warned against.

That was how she lived before she met Jungkook and she missed it.

There was something inherently missing from her life, and had been for a while. For weeks she spent most of her free time out by the ocean, it was the only place where she could think quietly.

She had managed to coerce her manager oppa to take her to see the open water atleast 2 days a week, her excuse being that it helped to calm her nerves, and it did.

There was nothing he wouldn't do to see her happy and not curled up in tears. She really was fortunate to have the best of the best managers in the company.

The piercing sounds of gulls crying above her head as they flew in all direction drew her attention away the multitude of random thoughts in her head as they too used to ran in all directions.

The beach was her 'go to getaway' in a sense. The wide open waters stretched out before her served as a reminder that in the grand scheme of things, in a world that was as wide as the waters before her, she is a person who deserved love, to be happy and that there was plenty of fish in the ocean.

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