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The van ride back to their dorm fell eerily silent as all three girls stare out the windows lost in their own thoughts. They had anticipated Lisa's breakup with Jungkook however Jennie and Rosie did not expect Jisoo to unleash her emotions with a resounding slap to his face. Whatever the outcome they did not want to see either maknae hurt but love was not a game easily played. At the best of times love can bring so much joy and happiness, on the other it can an immense amount of disaster and pain, a hurt like no other which often leaves people so broken and in some cases; beyond repair.

The two young girls prayed that the latter did not apply to Lisa, for her own sake. Their eyes crossing paths they turn their concern to Jisoo sitting behind their manager, whose concentrated stare was on the road ahead, his lips set in a firm straight line. He had picked them up just as he was leaving the hospital. He liked Jungkook, he has seen the two maknaes together and the mischief they got up to when they were with their members. The genuine smiles and laughter that filled the dorms or vans as they held secret dates away from the prying eyes of the media. He knew they were good together and had hoped that their relationship would last beyond their careers as idols. However tonight he could not help but think that Jungkook was lucky that it had been Jisoo who administered the slap, and even more thankful that the boys from Winner and IKON were all on tour or else all hell would break loose at BTS dorm. Bobby & Mino were particularly fond of Lisa and treated her like their favourite little sister, constantly teasing her at every opportunity, much to dismay of Jungkooks jealousy. Infact it was safe to say that Bobby and Mino would have torn Jungkook a new hole. Grimacing at the thought he continued ahead wanting to get the girls home, it had been a long night and they too needed to rest

Sitting straight as a rod Jisoo feels her body tremor in small waves, ashamed at her actions in front of BTS and for having sworn at their maknae, but she couldn't have held it in any longer, even if she tried. The simmering had been building for more than a few days now and seeing Lisa hospitalised was the boiling point. She has always been known to everyone as the most composed of the group, the oldest; the most mature aside the sporadic moments of goofiness she often exchanged with Lisa, she was the eonnie and she knew she should have set an example and maintained her composure. Looking down to her lap her right hand laying flat palm facing up, red from the impact against Jungkooks cheek. She didn't mean to lash out as she had, but he was home, together with his hyungs while her Lisa was alone in hospital suffering from exhaustion, malnutrition and the worst; pneumonia.

Huffing out a loud sigh she hides her face in her hands only to see Lisa's pale sick body behind her closed eyes. Jisoo was leant against Jennie's shoulder as she feels the younger girls hand rub small circles on her back. They were all concerned for Lisa but she was in the best place possible, where medical staff were on hand to assist at any given time. They just wanted to go home and sleep so they could visit Lisa as soon as they woke.

Witnessing the girls interaction in the rear view mirror their managers gives a sad smile; his girls may be growing up and experiencing hurt at such a young age; but they had each other to lean on and for that he was very proud of them. They were extraordinary young ladies, they just didn't know it.

Back at BTS dorm the air was vibrating with an invisible current as the boys sat around the lounge waiting for the young man to speak, sniffles drowning the loud scream of silence as Jungkook sat hunched over on largest of their sofas, elbows resting on his knees, head hung low, hands occasionally wiping at the steady flow of tears. His cheek stinging from the wallop of a slap Jisoo had given him; he knew he deserved it but he didn't know why she was so aggressive towards him and where was Lisa?

His thoughts drifting away;



Jimin kept a watchful eye on the younger male, Jungkook still hadn't said a word since Jisoos slap before all three girls stormed out of their dorm. His eyes welled up with concern, he didn't like seeing their maknae hurt and right now his tears were telling a story, albeit a silent one.


"Are you ok?"

Sniffles follows the silence.


"Do you have any idea why she was so mad at you?" Jimin asks but the younger male doesn't hear him, at least he thinks.

Sniffles and more silence.

RM removed his glasses to place them on the coffee table and moved to sit beside the crying maknae, slinging and arm over his shoulders he gives Jungkook a slight squeeze on the shoulder hoping their maknae would ease the tears so they could talk to him, find out what's bothering him so they could help. RM didn't like to see his members crying for whatever reason and he'd always tried his best to comfort them in any way he could, but lately he'd noticed a change in Jungkook notably in how he'd started to watch videos of IuKook on Youtube and he was hoping to high hell that it was just a curiosity and nothing more. Lisa was a great girl and he didn't want her or Jungkook hurt. Leaving his arm on the young man's shoulder he doesn't push him but waits for him to open up to them.

Suga surprises the boys by forgoing his daily 4 hour naps and sits silent but alert next to JHope who right now is looking anything but a ray of sunshine and V who could do nothing but stare at their maknae with eyes full of concern his heart dropping for Jungkook who has yet to raise his face to talk to them.

Suga was definitely not good with any type of discussion that involves affairs of the heart but he could see how emotional Jungkook was and with the three girls making an impromptu visit without Lisa he concluded that this mess was one that involved everything to do with relationships. He may not be good with advice about love, but he would be there as a source of strength for Jungkook.

"Jungkookie, come let us help you ok?" Hobi lets out. He was the sunshine for the group and he wanted to rub all his happiness into Jungkook. He loved his maknae and was eager to do anything to have the young man laugh again in the high pitched tone that only he had.

V remembers the time he lost his grandmother and he had to fly home. Jungkook was the one who sat and cried with him and he him stories about his grandmother, some funny and some not so funny and for every tear he shed for her, Jungkook was right there crying with him and he owed him that shoulder to cry on should he want it.

Jin being the eldest sat in a single chair opposite Jungkook, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. If there was anything that Jin knew, it was that situations like this that involved girls did not bode well for the male, especially when they're being screamed at to stay away but an overbearing but beautiful older sister. He also knew that this was no small issue. This was big and he sincerely hoped that Jungkook had not screwed up in a very royal way.


"Jungkookie, no." Jimin says

All six members turned surprised eyes to Jungkook, unable to believe what they were hearing and disappointed to hear that name.

"Hyung," Jungkook mumbles, "I fucked up hyung" he cries out, "I fucked up."

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now