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A huge Thankyou to the many readers who have been so persistent with messages requesting an update, without you I never would have made it to this point. I am so very grateful to all my silent readers who have also become not so silent. You all have no idea how much I love your commentary to the scenes and your thoughts of what should happen. Your comments are the driving force of my wanting to make the ending as happy as possible for everyone. Enjoy the two new updates. 💜

He stood in front of the mirror adjusting the waistband of the black form fitting tights his stylist had chosen for their performance. It wasn't something he was used to and far from anything he or his GOT7 members would have ever worn.

His only saving grace was the large black button down shirt he wore, with arms that flared out at his wrists almost covering his fingers. The silky fabric was long and hung midway down his thighs covering both his crotch and bottom.

He didn't want to frighten her if he wasn't given something to cover himself and was pleased with the relief the long shirt provided.

Eyes moving to glance at Lisa through the mirror as she sat next to him, he was relieved that she hadn't noticed his own silent condemnation of his tights. He knew the stage lighting would be alot dimmer than normal adding to the ambience of the dance so it wasn't too big an issue.

Her makeup and hair stylists fluffed around her, tucking a stray lock of hair back into order and the subtle swipes of a small lip brush staining her lips a deep red wine colour.

She had him completely mesmerised the way she was able to listen to music through her ear pods while a team of women tended to her, she was unflustered.

Lisa was oblivious to the commotion currently onstage. Outside the four walls of their dressing  room and the ear pods firmly sitting in her ears, she couldn't hear the way the screams elevated in certain parts of their duet, particularly when it was him singing, and it made him feel uneasy.

There was an inner battle in his head, where common sense was urging him to tell her about the two people onstage. The very two people who were the cause of all the pain and suffering she had experienced.

It was because of them that she had damn near turned into herself, threatening to shut out people who cared about her, like him. He unintentionally hissed at the memory of it and the sound caught the attention of the team around her as surprised eyes turned and pointedly glared at him.

At the very least he wanted to warn her or prepare her in case she saw Jungkook before their performance. However, he had come to know and understand Lisa well enough to know that if she found out he was there with HER and worse, they were singing together, it could very well shake her to her core and affect her dancing.

JB took another glance at Lisa, and remembered a conversation they'd had after rehearsal a few days earlier. It was still a kick in the guts for his memory banks and heart as her words remained for a long time in his head as his heart tried to process what Lisa had said.

"Oppa....I still love Jungkook and I don't think I will ever stop loving him." she said with an absolute conviction.

"I fell so hard for him. I didn't fall fast, but he chipped away at me for so long, and eventually I saw him, and my heart...." her pause spoke volumes to his already bruised heart.

He knew it was coming.

"....my heart wanted more of him."she finished. Her long DARK lashes turned down as a tiny sad smile appeared in the corner of her lips.

"I knew IU sunbae was his ideal, I knew he talked about her alot, but that didn't bother me in the beginning." her voice dropped to a whisper before she continued.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now