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Iu sat opposite him talking about a song she had written about a young man who had been raised in poor conditions. A young man with dreams of being successful, no longer having to suffer the embarrassment of begging for food outside the local train station, standing in the freezing cold of Winter wearing a dirty threadbare jacket that was already two sizes too small, the arms barely reaching his wrists as the cold turned them an awful shade of blue.

Passerby's ignore the young man, in their hustle and bustle, each person scrambling to enter the trains unwilling to be penalised if arriving to work late. Unwilling to help a fellow human as they appear too lost in their own destinations.

It was a story about the choices people have, and how blind they are to the freedom they have in being able to choose their chosen outcome; to the next chapter of their life. For the young man in her song, his story was somewhat bitter sweet. Waiting and watching as people passed him by, some shoving him so hard he had fallen onto the cold ground as people began trodding onto his fingers.

It was at that point that he saw the bitterness and the cold ugliness of the human race. They were selfishly aware of those in need yet, consciously aware also of their choice to not lend a few coins to someone in need. Their actions left a deep impression on his psyche as he entered adulthood a bitter and cold man, who led a life of hermit like solitude, eventually dying alone at the age of 28 as a filthy needle filled with liquid fire lay embedded in his arm.

Jungkook listened to her speaking, every word sounded like buttery silk. Her lips moved with a slight lift to the corner of her mouth, as though inviting him to watch her mouth, drawing him into her web of charms, and then she saw it, the way his eyes drifted from her own, to her cheeks before drifting down to her mouth and it filled her with little balls of excitement, drawing circles in her chest.

Iu was not blind to the fact that the younger man sitting across from her admired, and had remained loyal to his admiration for years, referring to her in several variety programs as his ideal. She had seen multiple videos of what their fans had made, shipping them both as an ideal couple. She was genuinely marvelled their ability to edit images of her and Jungkook making them appear as though they were actually a real life couple.

He was looking at her with his smiling eyes, as they turned into crescent moon shaped auras. His skin smooth and clear apart from a tiny scar on his cheek, what was his story of how it got there, and his lips were shiny and red. Iu wondered how a man so handsome and widely popular like Jungkook could see her as his ideal, she felt less than worthy. There were stray bangs flopping over his forehead and she found herself wanting to reach out to run her fingers through his dark locks.

He had a certain degree of masculinity about him, mixed with an equal amount of boyish charm that had long ago caught her attention. The way he paid attention to every word she spoke and the look of concentration, he was without a doubt very attentive to her being. She didn't know nor had she come across very many idols who treated her like a porcelain doll without the added padding. If she were to be honest with herself, she would say that Jungkook the man, intrigued her to no end.

Every so often his front teeth would appear and take small nips as his lower lip and her eyes never failed to immediately follow the action, as her mouth near mimicked his but her lips choosing instead to curl into a tiny grin. The man was extremely attractive and he knew it, and she didn't know if he was aware or not but he was working that angle and reeling her in, hook, line and sinker.

He was dressed in a plain white long sleeve dress shirt and the top two buttons were undone, whether intentional or not, she did not know, but the slight glimpse of his chest had the cogs turning in her head wondering if his chest were as hard as his forearms appeared to be. Jungkooks sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and Iu had full view of the muscles rippling beneath his skin when he had occasionally raised an arm to scratch the back of his neck or to play with one of the two earrings as he nervously did throughout the night.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now