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Bam and the rest of his Got7 members were sprawled around the floors at one of the JYP studios having practised a few dance routines for an upcoming tour when JB approached him, a stern look masking what is normally a happy face. Bam knew that look very well, they all did. There was a lot their leader could tolerate when it came to situations or people. The look he had on his face now told Bam that he wasn't very pleased with someone or something that involved people he knew. JB was at the best of times a little reserved and never meddled in business that did not concern him, unless the situation was about people he knew and cared about, so Bam knew that whatever it was making their leader look uncomfortable was important enough for him approach Bam which also meant it concerned someone he knew and Bam knew a lot of people.

Placing his water bottle and sweat dampened towel to the side he sat a little straighter curious to know what has gotten into JBs bonnet.

JB was laid out flat, his breath coming out in short hot puffs. The tiny beads of sweat left trails down his forehead as he reaches for a towel to wipe away the offending moisture from his brow and eyes. Reaching out for his gym bag he takes a hefty gulp of water and grabs his phone. He hadn't heard from Lisa since the night before and he really wanted to know if she was feeling better after he had left her sleeping on the couch. He hated that he had to leave her alone but he didn't want to be surrounded by her members if they arrived home to see the leader from Got7 sitting in their lounge watching over their youngest member. That alone would have garnered the 20/20 questions of where did you meet? How did you meet? What are you doing here? The type of questions he wasn't very keen to answer.

He'd felt really awful for Lisa, and listening to her passionate charged argument with Jungkook. He didn't think he had the right to listen in on their conversation but Lisa had messaged him asking for help and he more or less dropped everything; which was another vocal practise in his own studio, and drove with considerable speed to her location. Her messages were short and direct but he felt the urgency behind her plea. He certainly didn't expect to be caught in the middle of a lovers spat; well ex-lovers spat now, in the middle of a cafe and parking lot.

The scandal was all over the internet but he wasn't surprised about the two idols being named together. He'd seen the BTS maknae turn his heart shaped eyes to Iu's direction on many occasions and he was quite vocal about it as well. He just didn't know how Lisa dealt with it, if he had a girlfriend he definitely wouldn't have accepted her making eyes at her male idol crush, however he was happy to have helped her even if it meant driving her away from her significant other.

He didn't know Iu or Jungkook on personal level but he knew a little bit about Lisa thanks to Bam and his constant mentions of Lisa did this or Lisa is so dumb she did that or his favourite; Lisa likes and dislikes. He liked her not because she ignited tiny butterflies in his stomach, but because she seemed like a really well rounded kind girl. Watching her sleep in the front seat of his car, looking so small and fragile in her ridiculously large jacket hoodie left her looking vulnerable and he wanted nothing more but to give her a massive bear hug. His frustration grew at the fact that Jungkook had a gem, and he let it go. Girls like Lisa were not the dime a dozen type; she was a keeper and if he didn't want to keep her, then someone more deserving will.

Not thinking twice he stood and made his way to where Bam laid sprawled out in the far corner of the room, one knee bent and a skinny arm flung over his eyes. They'd all worked hard the past week, they had knuckled down a lot of their routines, now it was just a matter of fine tuning the movements. He was always proud of them for soldiering on with little to no complaint often taking lunch well into the late afternoon. He was both thankful and sorry, especially now that he had something to discuss with Bam.

"Bam, good work my friend." He says watching as the young man sits up taking a swig of his water bottle then placing it beside him with his sweat towel, his attention focused on JBs approaching form.

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