Stronger - Updated

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It had been a few days since her return to Korea and Lisa had been summoned to YG headquarters almost immediately.

On her way to the office, Lisa felt the familiarity of a frizzle course through her body as she gazed out the window of the van, they were passing Han River and for the first time since that night she had seen them at the River, she felt nothing.

The deep embedded pain that used to cripple her as she tortured herself over the memory had somehow disappeared, leaving her feeling unusually calm. She knew that if she were to dwell on the memory it would do nothing but lend itself to making her remember all the pain and hurt she had suffered, and she wasn't going back.

In Thailand she had spent the first night in the arms of her parents after she had poured her heart out to her mother during a family dinner. Her parents were not used to the quiet brooding Lisa, having raised her to be independent and strong.

The Lisa who sat before them was quiet and barely spoke on the way to the family home as she sat in the back seat and closed herself off.

Concern growing her father did not know how to approach the Lisa who looked down, looking at his wife and speaking to her with his eyes she nodded their mutual understanding and paused before asking if she was ok.

That was all it took for Lisa to stop pushing the food around on her plate and gently lay the fork aside before blindly reaching for her mother's hand. She needed the warmth of the maternal touch that only a parent could provide.

Her father quickly stood to take a hold of her other hand as both of them waited, watching as Lisa composed herself before speaking about the break up with Jungkook, leaving out the meatier details regarding IU.

The uncontrollable sniffling and tears were testament to the level of pain she was experiencing and their hearts were breaking for their daughter who had always spoken of the happiness the youngman had made her feel on many occasions during her weekly calls home.

Yet there she was, seemingly returned home to nurse what they could see was a broken heart. Her parents did not question her further as they gathered a sobbing Lisa into their arms, supporting her the best way they knew how; with the quiet strength of their love.

As the van continued she thought about the short break with her parents in her homeland and how much she enjoyed the time away from the rules and restrictions that came with the title of being a kpop idol.

She had left Seoul a broken young woman with an uncertain pathway to her future after a much dreamt of career as an idol.

Before Jungkook she had dreamt of far away countries and the beauty of untold stories she would like to capture on film.

When she started dating him all those thoughts had been placed on the backburner, temporarily forgotten as she immersed herself in new found love, only to realise months later that perhaps that love, the love she felt in her core for him, perhaps that love wasn't what she thought it could have been.

It wasn't until she was seated in the plane returning to Korea that she found herself with hours of spare time to think without the noise of Bam and the GOT7 boys. She regretted not being able to see them before her departure but there would be ample time for catching up in the future.

She had sat staring blindly out the window as a thought struck her almost suddenly, catching her off guard. There was an undeniable inner peace as she watched clouds spread out beneath the plane like a large soft blanket made of cotton candy, inviting her to close her eyes and rest her weary thoughts.

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