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It was a little after 7pm and Rosie was the first to arrive back to the dorm. Punching in the passcode she entered and saw Lisa's shoes by the front door sitting askew on their sides as if taken off without much care. Her eyes adjusting to the darkness she could just make out a figure lying on the couch, thinking it was Lisa she moves with quiet steps to the kitchen placing the Gamjatang she bought for Lisa on the kitchen counter before heading to the bathroom for a quick shower. She had been worried all day since they'd left the dorm to visit their families, she never liked leaving any of them home alone if they were sick; especially Lisa because she had no family in South Korea. Leaving the light off in the lounge she hurries past the lounge down the hallway to the bathroom armed with her pink polka dotted pyjamas Lisa had gifted her for Christmas she quickly set about her task before exiting making her way to the kitchen.

The door chimes as the passcode is accepted and Jennie followed by Jisoo enters the dorm. Spotting a sleeping Lisa on the couch Jennie holds up a forefinger to her lips signalling to Jisoo leave the sleeping girl to rest as they walk past quietly also not touching the light switch. They could hear Rosie pottering around in the kitchen and Jisoo enters to place the snacks they'd bought for Lisa into the pantry and fridge.

Neither of the girls spoke as they looked at each other passing a knowing glance between them. With worried eyes Jisoo heats the kettle wanting to make Lisa a cup of hot chocolate before waking the sick girl. She leans against the counter chewing on her thumbnail in worry but thankful that Lisa had listened to her advice and stayed home noticing that the pills she'd left by the handwritten note she'd left earlier were now gone. Jisoo is pulled from her thoughts by a screaming Rosie.

Placing the heated bowl of gamjatang onto the tray with a cold glass of water Rosie gives a quick nod to Jisoo as she walks out to wake Lisa, they knew she would not have eaten as she never does when she is unwell. She picks up Lisa's bag laying on the floor and wonders where the barely eaten sandwich and medicine had come from. Did she go out? On her own? Filled with apprehension she switches on the side lamp, a soft glow fills the room as she reaches down to carefully pull the blanket away from Lisa's face, the sight fills her with fear as she takes in Lisa's shaking form, her bangs plastered all over her face. Feeling an immense heat radiating from her body Rosie places a hand to Lisa's forehead feeling how clammy she was. She tried to wake Lisa with a soft shake of her shoulder, with no response she tried a little harder and still nothing from Lisa. Sweat continues to pour down her brow and now Rosie was beyond alarmed. No no no no no! This was not good!


"Oh my god Lisa!!"

"Come on Lisa wake up!!"

"WAKE UP!!!"


Jisoo runs into the lounge to see both Rosie and Jennie try to wake a seemingly unconscious Lisa. Rosie has Lisa's head resting in her lap as Jennie was lightly slapping Lisa's cheeks trying to get a response of any kind but to little avail. Taking action Jisoo runs to her bedroom grabbing her bag from the bed she pours the contents onto the floor before picking up her handphone quickly dialling their manager.

Running into Lisa's room she throws open her wardrobe and swiftly made her way around Lisa's room grabbing a few items of clothing and toiletries tossing the items into Lisa's overnight bag before running back into the lounge to await their manager. Throwing herself down next to Jennie taking Lisa's limp hand into hers rubbing it furiously in vain hoping to warm her clammy skin a little. Looking at the table beside her she sees the items JB had placed there earlier not knowing the slightly older male had bought the items for Lisa. Making a mental note to tan Lisa's hide when she was better for not listening to her strict orders to stay in bed, Jisoo rubbed a little harder.

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