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"Hey Munchkin?"

"Yoongi oppa..."

"Don't worry, Lisa, it's just me. No one else knows you're here but me." Yoongi finishes with a genuine smile.

Lisa had felt the ambience of the room shift with an invisible force when Yoongi had entered as Bobby, Mino and Hoonie gather around her bed shielding her from the one connection responsible for the young woman's sadness. She could feel the undercurrent running through her body unsettling her nerves for a moment.

Unwilling to budge nor speak, the four young men took an obvious stance facing each other, a three to one situation where Lisa was the damsel in distress, her three knights staring down the other unexpected visitor.

The door slams open as Han-bin rushes in shooting fiery glares towards Yoongi, the short rapper looking completely unbothered, "I'm sorry Lisa I tried to stop him but looks like he's the PERSISTENT kind who has VERY selective hearing" He puffed out in a not very friendly manner.

The wide set nurse soon follows Han-bin, bolting through the door wasting no time in scolding the group.

"Ok that's it I already told you lot. THREE people at a time. Do idols not understand simple instructions?!" she growls under her breath.

"One more chance and if I see more than three people in this room AGAIN, I will have you thrown out and restrict visits to strictly family only. UNDERSTAND?" she finished with a huff before moving towards Lisa's bed and physically barging between the young men.

Yoongi moves to stand by the doorway watching as the middle aged nurse manhandled her way through the YG boys; he liked her already.

"Hello again Miss Manoban," the nurse smiles in a soft voice that belied her true colours from seconds before. Her hands smoothing out the creases in Lisa's bedsheets before checking her stat charts, "you are much prettier when you are awake, you know, especially with a little bit of colour in your pretty cheeks."

Placing the cord with the call button next to Lisa's hand she continues, "If these brats cause trouble, be sure to press this button here, and I will make them disappear." she finishes before giving Lisa a soft smile, turning to eye the young men again.

"I said THREE... so you either decide which two leaves in the next five seconds of you can all leave my patient, my ward, my hospital and return tomorrow," she says with a raised eyebrow her beady eyes addressing them individually continuing, "So you choose, or I choose for you."

Bobby, Mino & Hoonie remained steadfast, boldy staring Yoongi who was leaning against the doorway looking at four pair of eyes in front of him and the two beside him. He could feel the unwelcome vibes attacking him from the YG boys and decided that if he was going to see Lisa, then he would have to behave or the stoutly built nurse was going to have them all thrown out, and he didn't want to stress Lisa any further.

"Fine, I'll wait out in the waiting room, but just so you all know, I have nothing to do with this here, I just wanted to see if she was ok. That is all." Yongi says while holding up his hands in an act of surrender.

"No problem," pipes Han-bin.

Turning to face the other male, Yoongi takes a firmer stance as Han-bin bites his inner cheek, calming the rough waters rising in his stomach. He's never had any beef with other idols, Yoongi liked to keep to himself and his members. People were always a let down and it was hard to see the genuinity behind an idol that he'd never talked with before, and now he was standing in a hospital facing down two male groups from YG who were currently guarding Lisa like an unbeatable Trojan Horse.

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