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IU had returned to Bighit studios several times over the following weeks and as the date of the show drew near her heart kept filling with trepidation at each recording session.

The only blessing she had on her side was that Yoongi didn't return to any of their sessions after his rather cold reception of her weeks before.

However that didn't make it any easier to be around Jungkook during their sessions because he always appeared to be far more focused on the task of song arrangement. She couldn't fault him for that because she knew his work ethic reflected in the success of his solo songs.

All she wanted was a little attention.

She knew what she had to do, all he'd have to do is assign her what lines he thought would best suit her range and she would deliver.

That was how she had always worked, and she had years of experience under her belt to know about delivery, he didn't have to work so hard for the sake of their duet.

She knew it would be a success because it was Jungkook and IU, two well known idols with the vocals of songbirds.

To IU, it almost felt like he was indirectly ignoring her as she watched him chew on the end of the pen. He looked deep in thought before conversing and nodding to his fellow producer while scribbling onto the song sheet.

She was beginning to feel like a cheated lover because each recording session mimicked the one before; they'd turn up, greet each other and the staff before knuckling down for a good few hours of recording and if needed they re-recorded certain parts that may have needed a little tweaking.

It was at their last rehearsal that things between the two young idols became somewhat heated as IU's patience had begun to wear a little thin.

They rarely talked about anything other than their parts and she was beginning to lose faith that he was still interested in her.

Jungkook was never rude or demanding towards her, if anything he was nothing less than professional, but that was the problem.

She didn't want to be professional and friendly towards him, she'd already had days of that.

What she wanted was Jungkook the man. The virile young man who wasn't shy about kissing her, who probably wanted her as she wanted him.

Only, at every session she was met with Jungkook the kpop idol. The man who was working like a Trojan horse with the steadfast concentration of an army general that didn't appear to waiver from the task at hand.

She'd had enough, it was well past lunch and not only was her stomach beginning to protest, but her patience had been tested and was now hanging by a thin thread.

A very thin thread.

IU was pleased that she had the foresight to take the bear along with her that day. The pent up frustration she could feel simmering beneath her skin made her kick at the oversized bag under the table that she had thrown the bear into that morning.

She didn't want the offending item in her house any longer than was necessary. It filled her with so much jealousy just thinking about the way Jungkook had doted over it at the dance studio weeks before.

She knew there was an element of sentimental value attached with the bear.

It was going to be the perfect ice breaker per say because after days of near ignoring her, she knew this stuffed animal was going to give her a free pass to Jungkook talking to her again.

As much as she hated what the bear represented, she was going to get a reaction out of Jungkook whether he wanted to or not. With one last crush of her boots onto the hidden bear she took a deep breath.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now