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"You heard me." JB whispers into her ear.

Lisa sat cradled in JB's arms where she had fallen into him, using his body as a pillar, a source of strength for her to lean against as her sobbing had quietened to small childlike hiccups. Her hands releasing the vice like grip she had on his forearms, but not willing to let go just yet. Lisa's head lay resting against his chest, the erratic beating of his heart settling as Lisa took comfort in the sound, his heartbeat steady and strong, easing her frantic nerves and counting herself down from the edge of an invisible cliff.

Lisa had lost herself in the prison she had created with the tortured thoughts that she felt had were imprinted in her mind's eye, refusing to remove themselves, they had burrowed into the depths of her heart and rejoiced in her immense sorrow.

The valiant efforts of her members trying to break through to her went unnoticed by her unseeing eyes, however, trapped in her misery she heard the faint quiet murmurs of a deep husky voice breaking through the fog in her head, and she fought herself trying to fight her way closer to the warmth of the voice.

Slowly like clouds breaking apart after a heavy thunderstorm, the murmurs became clearer and the muffled words begin to make sense as her body reacts almost immediately to the effects they were giving her. Lisa's vision no longer blind and unstaring, she comes face to face with JB, his hushed singing now clear, his gaze unwavering and steady, reassuring her that he was present and he had her.

"Hey." he whispers to her, his thumb wiping stray remnants of tears.

"Are you ok?."

"Hmmm", Lisa responded with a small nod of her head, before closing her eyes, leaning back into him.

Lisa felt JB tighten the hold he had around her small body, he had placed a hand on her head cradling her closer, willing her to absorb some of his strength, and she used the opportunity to burrow herself further into his chest, her ears sought the comfort of his heartbeat, consciously aware that the warmth and safety of being swallowed in his strong arms were not lost on her as the slow rocking motions he had them locked in was lulling her into a dark peaceful rest. The last words she heard before sleep took hold of her tired weary body filled her with a welcome sense of relief.

"I'm here, rest now. I got you Lisa."

It wasn't long before JB felt Lisa's body grow heavier in his arms, he hoped she was warm enough as Lisa had somehow burrowed herself deeper into him when he held her closer. Strands of her hair clung to her forehead and cheeks, her impossibly plumps lips, swollen and red, were turned down in a slightly sad frown and he wondered what Lisa would look like when she slept with a trouble free mind, picturing her to look nothing more than an angelic cherub. 

Smiling to himself at the thought and locking the imaginary image away to his memory, JB pulled his jacket tighter around Lisas smalls shoulders, taking care to not make sudden movements least he wake his sleeping charge, before looking over his shoulder to their audience, unsure of how her members would react to the effect his presence had on their maknae. They had gathered behind him, their eyes showing an appreciation for the older male and for what he was able to do for Lisa, and the ability he had to calm her.

Bam stood in the middle of the girls, his own eyes sad and staring back at JB with a quiet pity, before mouthing a muted thank you. Bam could see his friends eyes, they were wide and shining with fear. He had never seen the older male look that way in all the years he had known him, the older male was normally cool and bright.

Bam willed for his friend to not fall for Lisa, because as much as he was pissed at Jungkook, Bam knew, as did everyone else that Lisa belonged to Jungkook just as Jungkook belonged to Lisa.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now