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After crossing paths with IU at the first recording session she had with Jungkook a few weeks earlier, Yoongi was less than eager to see her again. He was surprised to see her at the dance studio that afternoon considering she was meant to meet Jungkook in the recording studio on the third floor.

She was shamelessly early, by a good few days and it bothered him to think what she would have done had he not gone to the studio that day. Feigning a meeting to draw him away from her was the only idea he could muster at that time.

Ever since that day he had made it a point to purposely avoid Jungkook on days that he was due for recording, because he knew there was a chance that at some point Jungkook was going to ask him to tag along.

Yoongi was less than pleased with her manners that day and it was clear as day what her true intentions were as she openly fussed about him in front of everybody there.

He'd seen and heard about women like her from friends both in and out of the idol community, and considered him fortunate that people who didn't know him personally saw him as somebody who was cool and cold hearted where in actual fact he was far from that.

He was very grounded, soft spoken, righteous to a fault but still very friendly, and that was only to people whom he considered as good wholesome folk; like the two maknaes.

Jungkook may be a fully grown man but since the break up with Lisa, he was and still is, emotionally vulnerable and he knew from what others had experienced that IU would use that innocence against Jungkook to claw her way into his personal life.  

It didn't escape Yoongi's observation how IU's eyes drifted to Jungkook on more than one occasion that day and he had congratulated himself that he had unconsciously sat between the two.

When the young maknae was pouring all his attention onto the song sheet arrangement, she managed to insert herself into his line of vision not once, but from Yoongi saw, it was at the very least, several times that afternoon. 

Suffice it to say that Yoongi found her failed attempts amusing, and he smirked as he remembered all the energy and effort she exerted just attempting to distract him.

Throughout the afternoon she had asked Jungkook if he would like a coffee from a Cafe three buildings over. One they themselves had frequented many times when they were working on an album.

The small hipster Cafe was well known for their jazzy lounge atmosphere and their deliciously creamy hot chocolate; a personal favourite of Jungkook. If he wasn't drinking cold chocolate milk, he was leisurely sipping on the warmer version.

IU never once asked Yoongi or any other staff member if they wanted a hot drink, and to be truthful he didn't expect her to either. She seemed far more interested in getting Jungkook's attention away from his current task than to bother asking her seniors if they would too would like a hot drink.

Strike one, two and three Yoongi had thought to himself. He remembered smirking like a cheshire cat while watching her feeble attempts with a cold hearted indifference, and he was proud that Jungkooks work ethic prevented him from seeing the display before him.

He was certain IU had noticed the dismissive attitude he had towards her, but he really didn't care. He had no time for women who saw young men like Jungkook as nothing more than an aesthetic pleasure with little to offer than an arm to cling onto in front of the flashlights of the paparazzi.

The later part may have been an exaggeration on his part, but Yoongi had long shrugged her off as an opportunist hiding behind a deceiving veil of pretty eyes and pretty songbird vocal chords.

He had always prided himself that he was never involved in a scandal as personally damaging as the one involving Jungkook and IU. He wasn't interested in getting to know her at all, and he knew enough to know that she clearly didn't notice or care that there were two sides to their maknae.

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