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Taking a seat on the soft white shaggy rug in her lounge, IU had the bear at her eye level propped on top of her coffee table sitting on top of a stack of books.

She looked at the bear in an offending manner, wondering why Jungkook was carrying it around in a gym bag, because it certainly didn't look new if the well squeezed ears were anything to go by.

Was this a loved childhood stuffed toy of his that he used as a sense of comfort? She smiled to herself at this notion as she reached out to sit the bear upright on the small purple blanket it was encased in.

However that idea soon vanished as an unfamiliar sweet aroma of a woman's perfume clung to the bear's fabric. She couldn't place the aroma, but she knew a woman's fragrance when she smelt one, and that meant this teddy bear belonged to someone whom Jungkook was thinking about when she saw him hours earlier at Bighit dance studios.

Lifting the bear she brought the item as close to her nose without it touching her face, she could smell the sweet fragrance of strawberries and something else she couldn't identify and it made her wonder who the item belonged to.

She felt slightly guilty at not having returned it to Jungkook, but it frustrated her to see him standing before her hiding it from her view as if it was precious cargo that he wanted to keep for his eyes only, and now she knew why. IU placed the bear back onto the blanket and made a mental note of all the females he could possibly have a close friendship with, and they all pointed to one particular person.

She had never in her whole career ever had a falling out with another idol, however she did not like that there was one idol who was younger than her and a very beautiful one at that. A young woman whom she had heard from her makeup artists may have dated Jungkook at one point but that they had recently broken it off. Well, that Lisa had been the one to initiate the breakup and news of their separation was the current hot gossip among idols.

IU's face took on a puzzled look as she tried to align the date of their breakup to those of the time she had dinner with Jungkook and wondered if perhaps they had already broken up before that. The knot of excitement in the pit of her stomach grew as she realised that she may have been given the chance to have him just as she needed; which also meant the dress hanging patiently in her closet may not have to wait for long.

Looking at the bear she now realised who the bear may have belonged to and why Jungkook was attached to it, for the sentimental value that it held. She quickly stood and grabbed Lisas bear, shoving it into the middle of the purple blanket and tying it into an angry knot before throwing the item into the couch. She didn't want to see the offending item any longer now that she knew that there was a high possibility it belonged to the younger woman.

IU didn't want Jungkook to have it back but knew that with Yoongi in the studio at the same time, any denials from her about the whereabouts of Lisas toy would fall on deaf ears. She wasn't dense to not know whether her charms had worked on the opposite sex, and she knew immediately by the way he had disrupted her time with Jungkook by barging into the room in that no fucking around Yoongi manner that she had heard about; there was no way they would believe her.

IU was a woman of many charms and smiling to herself in a way that belied her innocent exterior, she had no choice but to place the bear aside until she was ready to return it to it's rightful owner; Lisa. She could only imagine the look on the young Thai girl's face as IU handed her the teddy bear that she had left with Jungkook. She didn't want to hurt Lisa but she had something that IU desired and wanted for herself; Jungkook.

Feeling confident and a touch risque, IU took one last glance at the purple lump she had thrown on the couch now laying on its face and smiled as she sashayed her hips into her bedroom. Throwing open the doors of her closet she pulls out the little black dress and holds the garment to her front, her mind filled with teasing images of herself dressed to impress and ready to get what she desired.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now