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Lisa hadn't expected Yoongi to walk into the studio but it had been so long since she last saw him, and she hoped he could feel how much she had missed him when she flew at him for a bone crushing hug.

She fired off a text to JB to meet her within an hour, she wanted to have a decent catchup with her all time favourite oppa. Yoongi was the older brother that she never had, he was the sane to her insanity and the glue that often kept her together.

She took him to a seat in a far secluded corner of the cafeteria often reserved for the more VIP visitors to YG, and Yoongi was very much a vip in Lisa's life.

She found herself relaxing into the easy flow of conversation she'd always had with him, and it made her happy because for a fraction of a moment it felt like the old days; before everything unravelled over a certain older and far more experienced and respected raven haired woman.

She sat with her hands wrapped around a cooling mug of hot chocolate, a smile drifting onto her lips as she remembered how Jungkook had copied her one cold Sunday morning by ordering a hot chocolate when they chose to have breakfast out of the dorm.

Lisa could feel Yoongi's eyes piercing through her but she was afraid to look at him. It wasn't until he spoke that she raised her head again, not sure how to respond to his straight forward question.

"Have you heard from Jungkook?"

"No oppa, not since that time...." she couldn't her sentence even if she tried and turned her gaze back to her mug.

"Lisa, please do me a favour." Lisa could hear the authority behind his words, Yoongi only ever called her by her first name when he had something important to say. Without replying she looked at Yoongi, waiting expectantly for him to say the words she knew were about to come.

"When the time comes, just listen." That was all he said.

"What oppa?" Lisa waited for the words she thought Yoongi would say, something along the lines of forgive him, take him back and don't you need him?

"Just listen, that's all I ask Lisa."

"Not with your ears, but listen with your heart."

His words weren't making sense to her, but she agreed and hoped that she understood the meaning of what he had just said when the time was right. She would have to wait for that moment and hope she doesn't miss it.

Lisa looked at Yoongi's hopeful eyes and she nodded her head, blinking slowly at not knowing what she had gotten herself into.

"Yeah oppa, sure."

"Ok, well I better go before your friend sends out a search party"

"Stay in touch ok munchkin? I've missed you."

"WE all have." she knew what he meant but she was too afraid to ask if that also meant Jungkook.

"Yes Lisa, him too." Yoongi said in a reassuring tone making Lisas stomach have somersaults.

"Thankyou oppa, me too."

"Before you go, I um..I left something in the dorm? My bear?"

"It's brown, well honey coloured and..."

"Don't worry munchkin." Yoongi smiled and he was back to his words of endearment, this meant it was well looked after, and she knew Jungkook would have it.

Even though he often teased her about it, there were mornings she found him curled up to the soft toy which had led to her leaving it behind for days she couldn't sleep over. It made her happy thinking that he was using it even now.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now