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"Jungkook-sshi? Are you ok?"

A look of surprise registered on his face as he continued to look at IU, her voice penetrating his troubled mind as he continued to stare at the young woman.

He knew he was being a little rude but he was beginning to question why she was there. Their scheduled meeting to discuss the performance wasn't due for a couple more days at least, and he needed to have a little more time to himself to let the breakup and scandal sink in. He was still feeling unsettled and his emotions at best were still all over the place.

He looked at her and tried to appear a little more engaged. He watched as her eyes were flighty making their way across his face, running across his brows and down to the stuffed toy held firmly in his grasp. He flinched slightly as he saw her reach out a hand to touch the honey coloured bear, and heard her chuckle at his apparent possessive behaviour of the item.

Slightly annoyed he ignores for a moment and glances down to the bear and silently asks the inanimate to make sure Lisa was ok that she was resting and eating well. He didn't know how he was going to fix the colossal screw up he had made of his relationship with Lisa.

He had no idea where to start because apart from feeling sorry for himself, he hadn't given it much thought having spent the better part of a week holed away in his bedroom, the thought of being around people being the furthest from his mind because every time he closed his eyes all he could see were a pair of large round eyes rimmed with thickly curled lashes.

His bedroom was the only room left in the dorm where the lingering smell of her favourite perfume remained, because as each day passed the aroma seemed to have faded, and that upset him.

Jungkook found himself at the point of desperation and refused to open his bedroom windows, he was desperate enough to try and contain her fragrance as long as he could. He knew he was being ridiculous but he didn't care, he was desperate because even the stuffed bear was losing its ability to retain the essence of Lisa.

Standing to his feet he walked to an open gym bag laying on the bench and pulled out a small purple cloth, gently placing the bear onto the fabric face up, pausing to affectionately scratch the tummy as two dark plastic eyes stared back at him, unmoving and uncaring.

Turning around to address his sudden guest he moved to conceal the bag from her vision, wanting to preserve the moment with Lisas stuffed toy. There were some things that he wanted to keep private and for himself only. Other than the bear and a ring that he still wore on the forefinger of his right hand that matched the necklace he had gifted her, they were the only two items he had left that were of great significance to him.

Lisa was meticulous in taking all her belongings when she left after their sleepover dates because she never wanted his members to think of her as being anything less than innocent, always opting to sleep with his bedroom door a few inches open.

His heart lurched as he saw IU looking at the open gym bag, her eyes not moving as if questioning why he was so careful with a toy; a stuffed teddy bear of all things. Plastering a forced smile onto his face he knew he had no choice but to deal with the repercussions of his actions, not just for his sake, but also for Lisa.

"Sorry, you're here."

His lack of greeting did not go unnoticed.

"Yes, I know you wanted to meet in a few days but I was free and I thought today would be a better time so...." her voice drifts off, not bethoring to complete her sentence as her eyes glance away from the bear and towards his own puzzled face.

Taking a step sideways to further conceal his bag and Lisa's bear from IUs view Jungkook decides to take the subtle route to avoid unnecessary drama.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now