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"Jungkookie, no." Jimin says

All six members turned surprised eyes to Jungkook, unable to believe what they were hearing and disappointed to hear that name.

"Hyung," Jungkook mumbles, "I fucked up hyung" he brokenly lets out, "I fucked up."

There was an indescribable silence as Jungkooks members sat with him in silence. Namjoon had removed his arm around the younger male, his hands grasped silently looking at his feet thinking about what he could possibly say to him that won't sound condescending or that he was scolding a teen with raging hormones. After Taehyung, Namjoon had a soft spot for Jungkook who'd left his home as a young boy, essentially growing up in front of a world full of strangers as they toured and travelled as a group, so he could absolutely understand if he was having some difficulties with his life's choices. Taking a quick look at the others his eyes crossed with Jimin, the young man sat quietly on the floor in front of Jungkook, having moved when he had begun to cry, a look of sadness for their maknae written in his eyes. Giving him a slight nod he saw one other member looking at Jungkook with what appeared to be silent disappointment as he sat unmoving, arms crossed at his chest a slight frown plastered on his forehead.

Yoongi was without a doubt Lisa's favourite oppa, and she had the older male laughing at things that the boys couldn't or wouldn't dare try to, and when she hung around their dorm he rarely took a nap. Their roaring laughter often heard throughout the walls of the entire dorm; Lisa with the laughter of a what Yoongi identified as a munchkin crossed with window wipers and Yoongi with his roaring shout type of laugh that his members only witnessed when the older male unintentionally let down his very staunch guard. Simply put, he was the older brother that Lisa never had and if this whole debacle was to do with Lisa, then Namjoon hoped that JK was going to escape with only a small scolding else he was going to suffer the harsh coldness that was August D; with spit and fire because nobody messed with his munchkin.

Grabbing the proverbial bull by the horns and not really sure of what he wanted to say muchless how he was going to approach the situation, he took a breath and decided now was a good a time as any to discuss the young man's current situation. Either way, no one was going to escape unscathed. With a glance a Yoongi he pushes forward,

"Kook, I know this may not be the right time, but we need you to talk to us and I also need you to listen to us carefully and try to understand where we are coming from, and we will do the same. We are here to help you."

"We won't judge you or make you do anything you don't want to, we are here to support you and try to understand the situation so we know how to help you best, ok?" he lets out with a quiet prompting. Jungkook with his head still hung, tears rolling off his cheeks nods as Jimin reaches out to rub his hands.

"Kook, I don't know if you are aware. Well actually I don't know if any of you are aware, but there are rumours circulating online about you and um.....about you and another idol," taking a cautious look at Yoongi he continues, "a female idol to be exact. Do you know anything about that?" Eyes trained on the young mans form he waits patiently for an answer unwilling to look at Yoongi.

"No hyung, what are you talking about?" Jungkook had little knowledge of the rumour mills running wild with the latest scandal. Thinking back to Lisas emotional outburst earlier he recalled something she had said about him and Iu but he had left his phone in his bedroom in his haste to meet Lisa.

Namjoon slowly closed his eyes, not wanting to continue. There were times where he hated being the leader of their group and this was one of those unpleasant occasions, especially as it's a topic that he had zero knowledge about. The boys have had girlfriends in the past, but those past relationships had stemmed from their school days, nothing anywhere serious or life changing. He could hear the quiet hum of the refrigerator and the ticking from the clock hanging above the entrance of the door and he uses the perfectly timed ticking counting down to four and presses forward.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now