Time 3/3

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In the quiet darkness of the plane Lisas mind was working overtime.

Leaving Jungkook had been the hardest decision Lisa had ever had to make in her short 22 years.

The guilt she felt the morning she left him was absolutely heart breaking and not one that she wished to experience again anytime soon.

She had purposely booked a seat at the farthest back of the plane, not wanting to interact with anyone choosing instead to stay hidden at the back, where there was less chance of being discovered.

The plane had been in the air for over an hour before she decided to relax. The tell-tale sign of tension obvious in her hunched shoulders, her muscles unclenching with much needed relief.

She felt thankful to everyone around her who had played a hand in making her a stronger version of the soft Lisa who had suddenly left Korea almost 7 weeks before.

Everything she had seen and experienced during that time all played a hand in preparing her for what would be the most anticipated return to Korea, where she knew people were waiting for answers.

Specifically, him.

On more than one occasion she casted her memory back to the night before she left.

The night she had spent in the arms of Jungkook as they made love in the quietness of his dorm .

She remembered how gentle he was knowing it wasnt just her first time, but his as well.

They spent hours exploring each others bodies, coming together as one as they discovered new ways of loving one another other than just holding hands or exchanging kisses.

Hours spent wrapped in each others arms, almost loosing themselves in soft moans of pleasure as Junkgook found one of her erogenous zones near her earlobe.

He had accidentally bitten down harder than he though and just as quick as he was to apologise, it was drowned out by Lisas gasp as she arched her back, her chest rising to meet him as her eyes closed, her teeth biting her lower lip as she moaned.

So he repeated the assault on her earlobe down to her neck and ultimately leaving purple reddish marks along her collarbone. Her moans were his driving force to bite harder, unconsciously marking her as his.

Lisa remembered how it drove him crazy when she took the reins for a while and straddled his abdomen as he laid down before her.

He held her hair away from her face as she leaned down to touch her lips to each of his eyes, down to the tip of his nose stopping at the corner of his mouth.

She felt the length of him between her legs and it took all her will power to strip them both down and make love, forgoing the foreplay.

But when she heard his breath hitch when she leant back onto his hardened length she knew he was hers to do with what she wanted, for that moment at least.

Leaning back further so sit fully onto him, his hands were almost holding her thighs in a vice grip, leaving finger marks and it did little but spur her on as she raked her nails down his chest, taking her time to trace his abs.

Lisaif you dont stop right now..

She could hear the restraint he was trying so desperately to hold onto in the way he had to strangle out every word and it filled her with bold confidence knowing that she could unravel him like that.

Ignoring everything he had to say, Lisa had leant over and replaced her exploring fingers with her lips starting at his chest working her mouth towards the throbbing pulse at his neck as she licked and nibbled her way up and around to his other earlobe.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now