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It begins as quiet murmurs, their muffled speech making no sense as she fought her way through the dense fog which gets thicker the farther she walks. She is in a forest, and it is dark. Coarse branches marr her hands with tiny scratches as they reach out blindly against the darkness of the mist. The voices become closer, louder, but their words don't sound like anything but a jumbled mess, like the wiry mess of confusion Charlie Brown has in the speech bubbles above his head.

Lisa didn't have Charlie Brown speech bubbles. What she did have was a head so congested with confused turmoil, she was fighting within herself, she needed to find her way through the fog and make her way towards the muffled voices. Lisa could feel him before she heard him. She felt the slight pressure of hands on hers, and the way their fingers weaved through hers massaging the tension now seeping out through her fingertips....and then she hears him.

The soft masculine sounds of humming pulling her out of the fog towards a bright light. Her eyelids are heavy and she tries to raise a hand to shield the brightness but her efforts are in vain. The humming turns to words as he continues massaging her finger tips. Gathering herself to try again she opens her eyes and she sees him. She watches his lips moves slowly barely moving as he continues to sing her through the fog, but he stops at her small movement, shifting his eyes to look at her with a slight look of surprise etched into them.

Attempting to swallow with a dry mouth she croaks out a few words before sleep takes hold of her again.


Squeezing his hands as much as she could with what little strength she had, Lisa whispers a sleepy,

"Gomowayo oppa. I heard you." as her eyelids closing again as sleep takes over, and the dream continues.

Wondering further into the dense forest fear and anxiety grows as her feet keep moving to no end in no particular direction. Moving a little quicker towards the voices her hands are waving in frantic motions fighting the fog in front of her, surrounding her, she was lost and she couldn't hear or see anything. Questions running through her head she presses forward.

Where is Jungkook?

Is that him calling my name?

Is he trying to find me?

Where am I?

I'm here!!!!! I'm right here!!!!!

Jjjuuunnnnnngggkkkoooookkkk!!!!!!! Where are you??!!!

Please help me Kookie....

Feeling frantic and lost, frustrated that the fog seemed to enjoy teasing her coiling itself through her fingers, her hair and around her body. Lisa's feet stumble and she falls to her knees, hands splayed out in front of her gripping fistfuls of dirt as she sobs, she can hear the voices are much closer now but still jumbled.

Suddenly the muffled voices stop and an empty silence takes over as the fog before her slowly fades away revealing a stone bench, and Jungkook is there sitting alone looking out towards the nothing. The figure of a woman slowly takes form in front of him, her face small and white, her dark red lips turned up into a beguiling smile and he smiles back at her. She is achingly beautiful.

Her stomach drops at the sight before her and she finds herself standing on shaky legs, making her way towards the silent couple she calls his name.




The silent Jungkook doesn't seem to hear her as his lips curve into a smile, glancing at the beautiful red lipped woman. The knot in her chest growing as she reaches out to run a hand along his cheek. He is beautiful and she wills herself to stop but she can't resist as her fingers make their way to his soft red lips, running the pad of her thumb along his lips, but he doesn't feel her ghost like touch, he doesn't see her tears and he doesn't see her heart.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now