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Jungkook left Han River Park with thoughts of Iu that had left him feeling above euphoric, and he couldn't believe his luck; that they happened across each other's path as though an invisible force had connected the non existent strings that had decided to bind them together. When she had shyly asked for his number he felt his heart jump in leaps and bounds almost threatening to burst from his chest as he silently watched her awkwardly nudge her right foot against a small rock waiting for him to take her phone from her outstretched hand. Slowly rubbing his sweaty palms on his jeans he tentatively accepted her mobile and entered his number, silently cursing his fingers for shaking nervously as he felt her eyes bore into him patiently waiting for him to hand back her phone.

Jungkook was just extending his hand to place her mobile into her palm when a dark figure jogged past them, the figure quickly shot them a knowing look before pulling up his mask and pulling his hoody down further to conceal his face. Jungkook turned back to Iu and smiled softly at her shyness as she took the mobile phone before placing both hands into the pockets of her jacket.

Shortly after they were saying their goodbyes, and he found himself turning around to further wave goodbye to her a few more times before heading back to the dorm.

It wasn't until he walked through the doors that he remembered what he was meant to do earlier that evening. He had set out with the intention of seeing Lisa and sorting out their issue; which was still unknown to Jungkook and he mentally kicked himself when he realised he had forgotten about Lisa at the very moment when Iu approached him. He felt awful that he unintentionally forgot his task but he was hoping to call her just before bed at the very least, even if just to hear her voice.

Just as he slipped off his sneakers at the front door Jimin walked out from the kitchen, and with a coffee in hand he took a sip before making a point of looking Jungkook in the eyes for a moment before quietly asking about what he had set out to do earlier that night.

"Kook, how did it go? Did you see Lisa? Did you talk it out with her?", Jimin asked before taking another sip from the steaming cup. Jimin always liked having Lisa around, her happy laughter floating about their lounge always made their dorm feel a touch closer to home as she lightly teased the boys about anything that she was able to beat them at, particularly how she was the only one ever able to make Yoongi wake from his naps just to play a game of mafia and never suffer the consequences of his death stares, always preferring instead to lightly pat the top of her head before agreeing to anything she wanted to do.

For Jungkooks sake he sincerely hoped the young couple will be able to sort out their troubles because as much as Lisa was good for Jungkook; he suspected that Jungkook was just as good for Lisa and it frustrated the members of both groups to no end that their maknaes were blind to what was obvious to those who knew of their relationship.

Jimin let out a soft sigh and leant against the doorway waiting for Jungkooks answer to his query, fully knowing that whatever came out of Kooks mouth would affect his relationship with Lisa in a good way, or bad way and at that moment he was hesitant as to whether he wanted to hear it or not. For Jungkooks sake, he was wishing with all that he had, that his response was not going to come back to haunt him.

Jungkooks right arm reached up, his palm snaking around to the back of his neck giving himself a small massage before replying to Jimin. He may not know a lot, but what he did know was that he had to approach the whole matter calmly and slowly because it was Jimin who encouraged him to seek out Lisa to iron out their issues. He was fully aware that Jimin enjoyed her company because when she visited him at the dorm she always brought with her a brightness the boys had never experienced or felt. It radiated through her smile, her laughter but it shone the brightest whenever Lisa was nursing a sick oopa or eonnie. The genuine love and concern she displayed to his hyungs or her members/sisters was one of purity, just one of the many qualities he loved about Lisa.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now