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IU returned to her apartment feeling overwhelmed with frustration.

Her shoulders were tense and there was a simmering anger coiling within her body ever since she left the recording session with Jungkook.

Shucking off her heels she didn't bother wearing her indoor slippers as she stormed into the lounge slamming her phone onto the coffee table with a loud disturbing thud.

She was completely humiliated and did not appreciate being ignored by Jungkook as his hyung took what appeared to be great delight in making her feel like an intruder; a third wheel, as though she was unwanted company in a recording session that clearly had nothing to do with Yoongi in the first place.

Yet the short statured rapper sat beside Jungkook the entire time she was in the studio, and he had done a great job at deterring all his attention away from her, and she didn't like it.

IU did not like Yoongi at all. He was the hurdle to her plans, he was the intruder, not her and it didn't take a rocket scientist to see that the spitfire rapper of BTS harboured the same feelings towards her.

Throwing herself face first into the nearest couch she let out a muffled scream, her small hands balled into tiny fists as she pounded the soft cushions beneath her. Behind her tightly closed eyes she saw the sarcastic smirk of Min Yoongi as he raised an arm around Jungkooks shoulders, walking him out the studio building and away from her.

"Damn you Min Yoongi!!!" she screamed into the cushions.


She could see Yoongi becoming the proverbial wall between herself and the object of her desire; Jungkook.

Punching the couch one last time she stood and quickly stalked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from an overhead cupboard, slamming it down onto the benchtop with an echoing clink. Yanking the refrigerator door open she took out a bottle of water and poured it blindly into the glass not caring that most of it ended up on the bench.

The cold water did very little to ease the undercurrent of anger that was still coursing through her body. She would have to devise a plan to keep the two men apart, or better yet she would need to think of a plan that would leave little room for Yoongi's accompanying Jungkook.

It angered her that after glaring at her in an accusing manner, Yoongi proceeded to snub her at every opportunity he could in the studio, and that he thought it was necessary to suggest a few changes to the song Jungkook had decided upon, and it miffed her to no end that he could possibly return to future recordings.

His blatant lack of a farewell was the last straw and IU found herself having to restrain from hurling a few colourful words at his turned back, but thought it might be a bad idea with Jungkook in the same room.

So she did something she hadn't done in years when she had her first debut. She bit her tongue and withheld from saying anything other than a polite stiff smile as Yoongi led Jungkook out of the studio.

The younger man followed his lead with barely a decent farewell other than to promise he would call to make another date to record their back tracks. Jungkook himself might as well have just flicked her off without so much as a backward glance, that would've been a lot more acceptable than a thinly veiled farewell.

The simmering anger that was still coursing through her body was beginning to surface as the image of an exotic beauty with wide doe eyes and a Barbie like appearance popped into her head.

Without hesitation IU released an angry scream and violently hurled the glass against a wall, watching as it shattered onto the floor into multiple slivers of sharp jagged glass.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now