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Yoongis thoughts went back to the events that happened earlier that evening and the look on Lisas face as she saw the boys helping a defenceless Jungkook out the main entrance, his bloody hands wrapped in a jacket as his cries drifted towards her ears.

She looked at Yoongi, her eyes upturned with worry and questions before looking at Jungkooks back, looking frail and tired as Jimin and V guided him out the door and way from her.

IU stood watching the scene before her with obvious disdain in her eyes, seemingly angry that Jungkook let himself fall apart over someone as unimportant as Lisa.

Yoongi could feel the hate that the older woman had towards Lisa and he saw the way IU's eyes ran over Lisas dishevelled hair and outfit down to her bare feet.

It angered him that the experienced idol thought so little of Lisa, someone who was as selfless as many other high ranking idols that he'd had the misfortune of crossing paths with, IU included.

She didn't have half as much class that Lisa possessed and Yoongi looked at her with the same manner that she had just shown Lisa, only Yoogi returned the favour with the coldest of glares that could melt an ice cap.

He did gain some sick kind of gratification when he saw IU shiver before stalking away from him but not before throwing one last glance at Lisa as he heard her utter "Stupid foreigner."

Yoongi was glad that Lisa didn't pay any attention to the older woman's obvious racist remark, he would've loved to tell her exactly where she could shove her words but one look at the tears pooling in Lisa's eyes was enough to make him think twice about doing so.

He took a step towards the young idol but stopped when Lisa turned to look at him, the heartbreak in her eyes was too obvious and before he could speak a word Lisa had quickly bowed and made a quick exit towards the back of the venue.

Her quiet steps left a trail of uneasiness behind her.

Yoongi's head looked out towards where Jungkook had exited then back to the direction Lisa had left. Two young people completely in love with each other, yet so far away from each other.

Sighing heavily and running a hand roughly through his hair he followed his members to their waiting van.

He knew Lisa would be the first to reach out and he had expected her to call anyways, so he was prepared for anything Lisa was going to ask. He just didn't expect her to want to see Jungkook rather than just ask about his well being after seeing him leave injured.

Not soon after Lisa hung up did Yoongi return to Jungkooks bedroom and quietly knock on the door, but to no reply. He knew that was nothing the younger man could do when it was Lisa and him alone, because everyone knew Lisa was afraid of being alone after the ghost stories of their dorm.

There was no way Jungkook would leave her alone in their dorm.

Turning from the door he walked towards his own to gather a few essentials for the impromptu night he was about to spend in the BigHits studios thanks to the maknaes, before returning to the lounge to wait for Lisas arrival.

If this is what it took for the young lovers to reconcile then Yoongi was all for helping them in any way he could.

The others were waiting for their own rides and looked up as he entered the dimly lit lounge, throwing his tired body beside V who sat unmoving on the largest couch. Lisa's favourite one that she often hogged on her dorm visits.

No one spoke as they looked at each other before their eyes flickered to the darkened hallway leading to their maknaes silent room.

"It is going to be one helluva long night." spoke Jimin with quiet concern etched into his eyes.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now