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IU had great difficulty in removing from memory the kiss she and Jungkook had shared the night before. The feeling of his lips pressed against her still lingered hours after.

Her manager had camped himself outside her door since the breakout of the "Dinner Date Scandal", as some websites had dubbed it, and was now sitting beside her, both of them reading the article a million times over before muttering the occasional "humpf" and starting over again from the first paragraph.

The newspapers in circulation were no better with their own headliners like;


She had never not once in her entire career become embroiled in a scandal that had threatened to either end her career as an idol, or head in the opposite direction and boost her popularity amongst the general public and fans alike.

IU understood the game, how to play it and she was very good at it. She was also quite aware that not everyone was going to like her music, or her as a person and she was ok with that. What mattered most to her was her fans and giving them the best of herself that she possibly could through her music.

Her manager had never needed to advise her on what she should or shouldn't do as an idol because she had always conducted herself professionally, as a woman and as a public figure. There were articles in the past regarding her dating life, but nothing to the magnitude that was laid out before them printed in black and white underneath a coloured picture of her and Jungkook locked in a kiss.

Her manager certainly did not expect her to be very calm about the situation and it threw him off that she wasn't making any demands to have the news agencies formally apologise on what is evidently a very private moment between two adults.

IU had woken up that morning feeling blissfully content and happy as she lazily made her way around her large apartment preparing herself for the day. There wasn't any pressing engagements or schedules that required her immediate attention and she had planned to stay indoors to continue the song she had told Jungkook about the previous night. The lyrics were all set, she just had to lay down the backtracks, fine tune a few lyrics here and there and finish by composing some of the music. It was the lengthiest part of song writing but also the most rewarding and by far her favourite.

Jungkook had told her about his own studio where he wrote his own music and at the time she had made a mental note to search YouTube for any videos that show him in his studio at Bighit and their dorm.

He had fascinated her beyond any measure of her expectations. She had thought of him as a fanboy, someone who admired her for her appearance and her music, but during the short time they have conversed, she was beginning to think that perhaps she had him pegged wrong the whole time.

She was used to men admiring her beauty and she revelled in the fact that men looked at her in that way, because she knew she was beautiful and it made her feel good. She just hadn't expected Jungkook to look at her with such admiration and if she wasn't wrong, maybe with something a little more as well. The thought made her giddy as a familiar warm feeling rises from her neck, and moves up to settle on her cheeks.

IU could feel the raised eyebrow stares of her manager piercing her all over, and turns to face her manager with a cheeky smirk. Her manager only shook his head in a silent warning, he knew what that look meant and if Jungkook had half a brain, he would keep his wits about him when it came to IU.

Nobody knew her best like her manager, who also unfortunately knew and bore witness to the many broken hearts she had left in her quest to finding her version of 'real love'. He also knew that Jungkook and Lisa were an item at some point, that itself was not unknown news to many idols management team. Idols were allowed to date, the only stipulation was to not get caught, and unfortunately for Lisa, his client was set to take what she so clearly craved; and that was Jungkook.

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