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I hope the kiss you shared with her was worth it.

Eyes looking out over the horizon, Lisa watches as the sun had began it's slow journey across the evening sky, she could hear the faint sounds of the hustle and bustle of people out and about making their way home. The sun left pastel coloured hues trails of pinks and oranges in its wake as it settled itself over the concrete jungle of the city, slowly fading with the light as the first sprinkle of diamond like stars scattered over the city in the evening sky made themselves known.

Her eyes moved to stare blankly at the shattered pieces of plastic, metal and glass as lay where they had landed, an assortment of broken pieces and she couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the sad looking items that resembled her life. The device once used as a tool in exchanging messages of love and laughter were now laying scattered about like small pieces of black rectangular dominoes, cold and unassuming, empty and unfixable; like her. The only place they belonged now was in the trash can.

Like her relationship.

Lisa drew her eyes away from the broken phone, raising her face to the sky as a plane appeared to be ascending, to one day return with a cargo full of treasure and people with tales of fun, adventure or romance to entertain family and friends. She had once mentioned in an interview that if she wasn't an idol she would travel the world and photograph the beauty that surrounded her. Lisa had long thought that the world was immersed in a universe of neverending stories.

That every ply of wood on a new home build or every porcelain figurine came with a history behind it. She admitted that she was not good with words, but her mind was like a sponge and she often absorbed the tales people spoke of, like a starving animal for food; she could not get enough.

Lisa watches as the plane gets smaller as it moves further away, disappearing into the horizon and she entertained the idea that perhaps with the current scandal and drama, it may be a good time to leave and do something which she had never done before; put herself first. For as long as she could remember, she had put Jungkook, her members, family and friends before herself because she loved seeing the people she loved happy and smiling, and if they were happy, then she was too. She didn't think it would be right for the maknae, the happy virus of Blackpink, to show herself to their Blinks with puffy marshmallow eyes with a pale complexion and stringy hair, it wasn't right. They deserved more than that, she thought.

Beside her the newspaper sat where Lisa had left it. They were front page news, two idols on a secret date, the image of their kiss out in the world for everyone to see.

The headline announcing to the world,


The claim they had staked on each other evident in every way as his hand is clearly shown to be woven behind her neck, the act is clearly intentional from a man deepening the kiss, marking her as his own.

Lisas tears had dried, she couldn't feel anything as she turned to look at the photograph knowing that to do so, she was only torturing herself, but the pull of self pity was far too strong to resist. Sadly, her eyes looked at the necklace she had discarded from her neck, now sitting in a dejected pile of gold on top of the image. The jewellry represented the last piece of attachment he had to her, he was no longer tied to her.

The coloured image of Jungkook and Iu looked far too ethereal to merely be a tabloid printed image. There was a candle on the table that cast a halo of soft romantic glow over both idols, the perfect setting for a couples tryst, the perfect night out with a beloved. She took in the way their heads had angled each other as they received the lips of the other in a kiss worthy of Hollywood. At this thought Lisa quickly tried to squash the immense feelings of jealousy and self pity enveloping her. She had always known that she would never compare to his Iu, he had always picked Iu as his ideal and now the world could see that he, Jungkook of BTS had kissed her. It would always be her.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now