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Jimin shuffled himself further away from Jungkook creating a little space between them as he carefully laid him back down onto the bed taking care to not wake the troubled sleeping male, the Bear still firmly cradled him against his chest.
He didn’t have to guess who the Bear represented, it was all too obvious in his quiet tortured whisper when he said her name, and he knew that at that moment, JK needed Lisa.

Stepping away from the bed he could only feel sadness at the crease now sitting between his brows, and he watched with concern as JK burrowed his head further into the soft belly of the stuffed toy, his tears disappearing into the honey coloured shaggy fabric, as the Bear seemingly appeared to console the young man as he wept in his sleep.

The soft rapping onthe door alerted Jimins attention to another presence in the room as he turned and exchanged worried glances with Yoongi. They knew JK would have had little to no sleep from the night before as both men took in the torn scraps of newspaper sitting on the small dresser by the bed.

A cruel reminder of what had transpired the evening before, and in an even crueler twist of fate, it was also an unfortunate representation of the future their maknae was going to face without the one person who had unknowingly made Jungkook a better version of himself.

As RM made his way into the room Jimin soon shuffled the members out and into the lounge, there was much to discuss and they had no idea where to start. As the six members gathered and made themselves comfortable on the various chairs, there was an unspoken understanding that if JK was going to have any chance of a decent dealing process, they would need to support him as best they can, despite their overwhelming love and respect for Lisa.

“Jungkookie, is he ok?” asks V, never being one to dismiss any discussion as small and irrelevant preferring instead to talk about any concerns until a viable solution was found.

“Yes, he’s asleep now but, what do we do when he wakes up? What then?” replies Jimin, the deep tone of his voice does little to mask his worry and concern.

RM takes a few moments to collect his thoughts before replying as diplomatically as he possibly can knowing that his members may not agree with his opinion. Taking a calculated glance around the room and noting the worried stares he spoke,

“What Kook did, we can’t excuse him of it because it wasn’t right.”

Before Jimin could reply he continued,

“Not about the kiss but that he wasn’t careful enough to make sure they were alone, out of the eyes of anyone. We are all aware of why they broke up, but…..”, RM could not continue as he thought about the one person who would be hurt beyond anything he could ever imagine.
“But, this...all of this will have a far damaging effect on Lisa. We know how much they loved….I mean, how much they love each other and I for one believe Lisa did the right thing by leaving Kook to discover and decide what it is he feels for IU.” he finishes.

At that moment RM could not help but feel resentment towards her for how things were panning out. He knew IU wasn’t to blame and it wasn’t fair to say so, but he also knew, as they all did that for years their maknae had been overly about his admiration for her and not once had she bothered to pull him aside to at least acknowledge him much less greet him at gatherings.

Whereas Lisa was the complete opposite, she was no holds barred and at first she was quiet and shy, but as the weeks passed, RM could not help but want to look after her as a younger sister. Her youthful energy, impeccable manners and the respect she gave to everyone in his opinion far outshone anything IU could ever do.

With Lisa, she never had to try to impress anyone, and she wasn’t at all concerned about impressing snobby seniors because to Lisa, everybody she crossed paths with were treated as equals. She was as pure as cotton candy and just as sweet as RMs favourite ice cream. If he was being completely honest with himself, he wanted the two maknaes to be a forever fairytale because in the world they live in as kpop idols, finding real everlasting love was very rare.

Her Euphoria -Lizkook ONGOING April 2023Where stories live. Discover now