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Sameer was rooted to the spot.

Naina... his Naina... had gone to this extent to rid him of his guilt and make him understand that she accepted him wholeheartedly.

And, in the process, she had started a raging fire of uncontrollable emotions... he swallowed hard, he had to keep himself in check... he had painted a beautiful picture for them and he wanted to see it come alive in the same manner.

But the fire she had evoked had blazed up at such alarming pace that he was scared it would consume both of them.

Her fingers on his chest slowly moved up to his shoulder, making his resolve weaker... he shivered as his own fingers stayed where she had placed them...

He moved his hand, feeling her... she tried to stop the trembling that suddenly rocked her, sucking in her lower lip... he saw the quivering lip before it vanished under her teeth, felt the tremor in the hand that rested on his shoulder...

He instantly knew how much courage she must have gathered to do it for him. She had stepped ahead... she had accepted all that he had been telling about their relationship... she had accepted him completely... trusting him enough to show this closeness...

He wrapped his arms around her, taking her in the cocoon of his embrace.

Her face buried in his chest, her breath heating up the already burning skin, he fought to bring his frayed nerves in control, not letting the tremulous hold on his desires slip away. Her ragged breathing conveyed her state... not much different than him.

It was another beautiful morning for Naina when she had opened her eyes... Sameer was right next to her. But today, he was already awake, unlike past two days. She had smiled at him, expecting him to smile back, and ask for a good morning kiss.

But he had a strange expression on his face. She had thought of asking... as she moved, the heaviness on her chest had registered suddenly. She looked down... and to her ultimate embarrassment, she had his hand pinned on herself. Frozen for a few moments, she didn't react... then pulled her hand back.

But he hadn't.

Her heart had been ready to burst out, not knowing how to react. The sensation that his touch had ignited had made each cell of her body burn. And then, he had suddenly walked out of the room. She had taken some time to come back to sanity... wondering what she had been upto. Preeti had mentioned that she sometimes talked in her sleep... was she doing the same... and what was she saying... her heart fell to the bottom of her stomach... why had she pulled his hand, there... was he miffed at something she had said in sleep... was she dreaming aloud... if yes, what... she tried hard to remember but the memory was blank.

She got up from the bed and looked out at him. He was slightly bent, holding the grill real tight. She had thought of going to him but as she reached the glass door, he had hit the grill hard with his fist. She fled to the washroom, knowing for sure that something she had said had irked him greatly. He was gone by the time she was out. Holding back her tears, she had finished her bath. As she waited for him, Sonali called out to her and she had gone to the kitchen. Sonali wanted to know where Sameer had gone this early and whether they needed something. After assuring her that all was fine, Naina had come back to find the room empty again. The sound of water had confirmed that he was back and was taking a shower.

Putting the latch on the door, she had decided to wait... she could not see him agitated like this... whatever she had said, she would apologize... and tell him about the silly habit of talking in sleep.

Kabhi toh Nazar Milao Part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें